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What's happening this month? Monthly calendar of ReachOut activities!

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

What's happening this month? Monthly calendar of ReachOut activities!

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What's happening this month? Monthly calendar of ReachOut activities!

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Hello to all the incredible parents out there posting and reading!


Starting July 2019, we are going to be sharing a monthly calendar of events, discussions and activities happening across the forums community. We hope that this calendar will help parents to know what topics are coming up, and how to get involved! If you have a suggestion of a topic you would like to see, let us know!





What's happening in July 2019?


July 2019July 2019

Discussion about sexuality: Yesterday we started a discussion about Teens and Sexuality based on some new resources for parents here! We will be posting more questions for discussion early next week.


Ask a Young Person: This week our youth volunteers were busy answering a few more questions! There are some really insightful responses coming - if you have a question and would like a youth perspective, you can submit a question here.


Parent and Teen Wellbeing Activity: Every fortnight we will be posting a wellbeing activity that parents and teens can do together as a family. If you have any ideas of activities, we would love to hear your thoughts!


School Holidays Special Discussion: Let's make a tool box of things parents can do with teens in the school holidays.


NAIDOC Week: We will be celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout NAIDOC week, with discussions centered on this year's theme of Voice. Treaty. Truth. We will also have a Facebook Live chat from 6pm, Monday July 8th with Career Trackers, an Indigenous Internship Program, and youth leaders.


Special Discussion: Teens and stress about the future: Teens tell us that they are stressed about the future. From study, to employment, housing, the environment and independence- we will be talking about how to support a teen who is stressed about their future.




Is there a topic you would like to see as a special discussion? Let us know what you would like to see!


Check out our community activities calendar here
Super frequent scribe

Re: What's happening this month? Monthly calendar of ReachOut activities!

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What's happening in August 2019?


ReachOut Parent Forum Activities August 2019.png


Sleep awareness week discussion: National sleep awareness week starts on the 5th of August, so with that in mind, we thought it would be good to open the conversation up around how we can improve sleep for ourselves and for your young people.


Ask a Young Person: This week our youth volunteers were busy answering a few more questions! There are some really insightful responses coming - if you have a question and would like a youth perspective, you can submit a question here.


Parent and Teen Wellbeing Activity: Every fortnight we will be posting a wellbeing activity that parents and teens can do together as a family. If you have any ideas of activities, we would love to hear your thoughts!


Special Discussion: Communicating with teens can be hard to navigate, so we will be looking at some top tips to make this process easier. We will be referring to some of Reachout resources, what young people have told us, and want you to share your tips as well. 


Wear it Purple Day :  We will celebrate this day by reflecting on the special discussion we have had about sexuality as well some of the key take aways from discussions on our youth forum about sexuality, as well as bisexual and gender diverse communities.


Is there a topic you would like to see as a special discussion? Let us know what you would like to see!

Star contributor

Re: What's happening this month? Monthly calendar of ReachOut activities!

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What's happening in September 2019?


Parents Forum Monthly Activities and Events (4).png



R U OK Day: We will have a discussion about R U OK Day and ways you can get involved to check in with members of your communities. 


Parent and Teen Wellbeing Activity: We will be posting a wellbeing activity that parents and teens can do together as a family. If you have any ideas of activities, we would love to hear your thoughts!


Weekly Wrap Up: Starting this month, we will be introducing the weekly wrap up every Friday, highlighting three top posts of the week in our community!


Is there a topic you would like to see as a special discussion? Let us know what you would like to see!


Check out our community activities calendar here
Star contributor

Re: What's happening this month? Monthly calendar of ReachOut activities!

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What's happening in October 2019?


October 2019October 2019

NEW!: Ask a Child and Family Professional (Almost) Anything! 

ReachOut is partnering with The Benevolent Society to bring this new activity to the ReachOut Parents Community! This will be a space for you to ask a question about your teen and have it answered by a professional who is experienced in supporting families. They can support you with a range of concerns such as difficulties with school, moody or irritable behaviour, concerns about time online, social media and how to support you to improve communication with your teen. 

We will be posting a new question and answer from our child and family professionals every Thursday! You can submit your questions starting this week!


Special Discussion: What is recovery? Our Youth Forums Community are talking about Recovery this month, and we will bring their insights to the Parent Community to talk about recovery and what is means. 


Mental Health Month: We are talking about mental health month here! Do you want to help us celebrate World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October, visit the thread to find out how you can get involved in Mental Health Promise activities, and more!

 Image result for mental health month

Weekly Wrap Up: Every Friday, we will be continuing with highlighting three contributions to the forums community! You can check out last month's weekly wrap ups here


Want to see when the calendar is posted each month? Give this post a like to get reminders when the next month's activities are live!


Check out our community activities calendar here
Star contributor

Re: What's happening this month? Monthly calendar of ReachOut activities!

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What's happening in November 2019?


November 2019November 2019

Ask a Child and Family Professional (Almost) Anything! 

ReachOut is partnering with The Benevolent Society to bring this new activity to the ReachOut Parents Community! This will be a space for you to ask a question about your teen and have it answered by a professional who is experienced in supporting families. They can support you with a range of concerns such as difficulties with school, moody or irritable behaviour, concerns about time online, social media and how to support you to improve communication with your teen. 

We will be posting a new question and answer from our child and family professionals every Thursday! You can submit your questions here!


Facebook Live for Parents: Mental health and teens

On Thursday the 7th of November, ReachOut will be hosting a live discussion from 5:30-6:00pm on the topic of Mental health and teens! For more information, check out the facebook event here


We will also be going live on Tuesday the 19th of November, so stay tuned for more information!


Special Discussion: Co-parenting during the holiday season. The holiday season is right around the corner, and this month we are talking about the experience of co-parenting through the holidays including ways to look after yourself during this stressful time! While we will be focussing on co-parenting, we would encourage all parents to check this discussion out around planning for the holidays. 


Movember! This month is movember! This week we will be posting some more information about how you and your communities can get involved in the movember campaign this month!


Related image

Weekly Wrap Up: Every Friday, we will be continuing with highlighting three contributions to the forums community! You can check out last month's weekly wrap ups here


Check out our community activities calendar here
Star contributor

Re: What's happening this month? Monthly calendar of ReachOut activities!

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What's happening in December 2019?

December 2019December 2019

The Holidays are here!

December marks the start of the holiday season! With teens home from school for five or more weeks, we will be talking about how to support your family to cope this Christmas and New Year! 


Our forums are getting a make over! As of Sunday the 15th of December, our forums will have a whole new look! All the functionality will remain the same, but the look will be fresh and easier to navigate! 


Ask a Child and Family Professional (Almost) Anything! 

ReachOut is partnering with The Benevolent Society to answer your questions about your teen!  We will be posting a new question and answer from our child and family professionals every Thursday! You can submit your questions here!


Facebook Live for Parents: Drugs, Alcohol and teens

On Wednesday the 4th of December, ReachOut had a live discussion on the topic of Drugs, Alcohol and teens! For more information, check out the facebook video here


Special Discussion: Co-parenting during the holiday season. The holiday season is right around the corner, and this month we are talking about the experience of co-parenting through the holidays including ways to look after yourself during this stressful time! While we will be focussing on co-parenting, we would encourage all parents to check this discussion out around planning for the holidays. 


Weekly Wrap Up: Every Friday, we will be continuing with highlighting three contributions to the forums community! You can check out last month's weekly wrap ups here


Check out our community activities calendar here