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14 stays at friends and won't answer messages

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14 stays at friends and won't answer messages


14 stays at friends and won't answer messages

Hi my son has made some poor choices and has got himself on bail with a curfew for graffiti. He has checks to see if he is home but tonight after catching up with friends is refusing to answer my calls. I do not know his friends he is staying with. My question is when he eventually comes home hiw do I deal with it. He is an angry teen at times who looks up to his friends alot and has talked about running away. Do I be stricter?
Prolific scribe

Re: 14 stays at friends and won't answer messages

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Hi @Helena1975 and welcome to our online community!

I'm sorry to hear that your son is refusing to answer your phone calls, I can only imagine how hurtful and heartbreaking that would be for you. You mentioned that he has talked about running away before, have you been able to talk to him about this and why he might want to run away? I am also wondering if he might be open to creating a plan with you so that if this was to happen again, you would know he's safe. Even if its a simple text message or even a friend that you can call when he's not feeling up to talking. Do you think this is something you might be interested in?

I did come across an article recently that might be helpful, its from the Raising Children's Network. It mentions risky behaviours, how to encourage safe risk taking behaviours and even what you can do to help support your teen.

It sounds like such a tough situation to be dealing with on your own so I just wanted to ask what kind of supports you have around you at the moment? Is there someone you feel comfortable talking to about all of this?

I also just want to remind you that you're not alone and we're all here for you.