Discussion forum for parents in Australia
08-09-2017 06:13 AM
08-09-2017 07:10 AM
Good morning @Moloko Yes - my daughter used the alarm as an excuse too. I went and bought a cheap clock radio alarm from Kmart - which is still in the box unused as she didnt want that. Her alarm is set for about the same time I wake up, so I now use her alarm to wake me up, (I usually snooze it a few times lol)
This forces me to get out of bed so I can put her phone in her room, so the alarm can than wake her up.
It has worked brilliantly and it eliminates the excuse of needing the phone overnight, when she really only needs it to wake her up in the morning. Get your daughter to set her alarm about 5-10 minutes earlier, then when it goes off press snooze, so you have time to put it in her bedroom before the alarm goes off again - then she wakes up with her phone right next to her. Let me know if that helps?
08-09-2017 07:17 AM
08-10-2017 11:42 PM
Hey @Moloko, I've just moved your post to 'Common Concerns'. I'm just wanting to give your post a wider audience and hopefully some more tips from the community.
I think many parents will also gain benefit from your topic
08-14-2017 04:37 PM
hi @Moloko how have the last few days been, has your daughter accepted the phone restriction a little easier and being less resisting of it?
It is so hard to fight with them over these things even when we know its for their benefit in the long run. I know theres times I can feel actually fearful of discussing a topic or a boundary because by this age they become SO good at arguing and debating and then flying off the handle.
I am really impressed and motivated by your approach
08-14-2017 06:07 PM
Hi @Beingme2017 I love your point about not wanting to bring stuff up with the terrible teen ! My husband and I are very strong minded people but we both avoid being the bearer of bad news to my daughter as we know we will have to pay before we get compliance . My son is easier and as a result the poor kid ends up with more jobs . We really have to be conscious of not being too biased and keeping the jobs equal .
We even take turns enforcing . Lol 😂
08-14-2017 06:53 PM
hi @motherbear
yes the "easier" child definitely can get the short end of the straw for being more compliant haha
I suppose in the long run its great that our teens are strong willed and fight for what they want. Its just hard work for us now. But the world needs both kinds of adults - more compliant, and more combative.
08-14-2017 10:48 PM
@Beingme2017 and @motherbear, having only one child, I end up being the 'easier' child and jobs don't pan out evenly in our house haha.
I agree though, that as challenging as it is parenting strong minded kids, in the long run I think it'll serve them well in life.
I have to admit @Moloko I gave up the phone battle, so I admire your perserverance. It can so disheartening when you've had a good run, then a glitch, but hopefully that's all it was. My daughter likes to push the boundaries every now and then, just to test them out.
08-15-2017 10:55 PM
Hey @Moloko, I had a notification that you'd replied, but for some reason your message isn't showing here. Let me see if I can find out what's happened.
08-16-2017 07:45 AM
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