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How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?


Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

Thank you @BazanFan . I'm trying really hard to do that such as promising myself a recovery day off work every few weeks after doing it for the first time last week.

I'm making an effort to catch up with friends, see a movie etc in the rare moments she is in the safe hands of someone else and I'm not at work.

Super frequent scribe

Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

@LovingThruBlue A recovery day off work is such a good idea, and I expect much needed respite after this latest dip on the rollercoaster.


How is your daughter feeling about the latest advice from the GP/school? And is this from a conversation with the one teacher who knows what's going on?


Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

Hi @Kalis,

Thank you for your reply and sorry it's taken me so long to get back here. Bad week Smiley Sad 

My daughter doesn't really have an opinion on anything at the moment.

But after flipping around like crazy and a call from my daughters medical team it looks like, at this point she doesn't have to do the assessments. They may well change their minds again. 

Frequent scribe

Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

Hi @LovingThruBlue sounds like things are positive on the assesment end.


Why was this week so bad? How are you coping?

Super contributor

Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

Hi @LovingThruBlue


It must have been so difficult managing everything while the school changed their mind.

Did they stick to their final decision of no assessments?


Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

@BazanFan & @Ngaio-RO I'm sorry it took me so long to respond. To be honest I have tried a number of times but couldn't find the words.

My daughter did end up in an adolescent mental health facility for 2 weeks.

After battling with our local hospital to keep her on 24/7 watch at home instead of in an adult MHward whilst we waited for almost 2 weeks for a bed. 

The school had no choice but to back down really once she was an inpatient but school became the least of our worries.

She is home but no better really.

It's been 4 months since her breakdown.

The only good things to come our of her admission were clarification of her diagnosis and medication.

She may perhaps have heard suggestions that she will impliment later in her own time but at this stage she doesn't really want to get better. 

I'm wearing out a little and concerned for her brother now too.

This will be a very hard and very long road we're travelling.



Super contributor

Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

Hi @LovingThruBlue


How are things at the moment? Did the adolescent facility help?


It's concerning when you say you feel yourself wearing out. It's so important to look after yourself when there's a crisis going on. Is there anything you can think of that might help a little in that area?



Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

Hi @Ngaio-RO

The facility confirmed her diagnosis of major depression and the concoction of meds she's taking. Other than that it wasn't a good experience. And there is talk of her going back.

I am trying very hard to make the most of times I have to myself and I think that this is keeping me going. 

I have another question that I think I will post as a new discussion. If you wouldn't mind taking a look I'd appreciate it.

Frequent scribe

Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

Oh dear, Lovingthrublue. It is so hard to support a teenager who does not want anyone to know.  While you need some crucial people to know, especially at school, where her safety is at stake, ideally it would be good to be able to let her be private about her mental health. BUT, and this is a big but, you are going through a great deal of stress and trauma yourself, I know because I've been there too, and you need someone you can talk to. Be careful and respectful about who you choose, it may be a psychologist for yourself or a very close and trusted friend or family member, but make sure they know not to tell others.  This forum is good, but for your own sanity you will need to talk with someone you can trust. 


Mind you, mental health should not have so much stigma attached to it, and realistically, it is so common that there is no reason for it. 


I'm sorry your school is being diffucult. I told our school that my teen's safety was much more important than her education. I'd see if there was anyone else at school that you could talk to, I know it sounds dreadful and hard to read, but let them know that it won't reflect well on the school if anything ...well....scarey threatening....happened to you daughter, because of pressure they put on her.  


Sometimes you have to fight for your child. 


Thinking of you.

Frequent scribe

Re: How do you help your teen deal with the stigma of Mental Illness?

OOPs, just realised that this was from quite some time ago.