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Law surrounding school attendance

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Law surrounding school attendance

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Law surrounding school attendance

Hey my 14 year old adopted son, has had a troubled past, prior to employment in local grocery store, +++++suspensions from high school, fighting,wagging etc now employes has an excellent manager that has supported him, now my son is just not even trying/attempting in class sits with arms folded and quiet even when approached. He states he hates school. Spoke to his manager happy to do anything to assist with any schooling education completion. Where do we source first
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Re: Law surrounding school attendance

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Hi there @Confused86 and welcome to the forums. It sounds like your son is having a lot of difficulty, it's great you're doing what you can to support him and that he also has the support of his manager. If you're looking for information about the legal system, you may want to contact the Dept of Education, or give LegalAid a call. We also have some information about school refusal that could be worth a read through. 

Have you spoken to him much about what might be going on for him? Understanding a bit more about why he is finding it hard to engage with school could help guide the next steps that you could take.