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Looking for advice

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Re: Looking for advice

Hi @LittleWren,

Thanks so much for this update. Wow, what a mix of emotions! Even though it was quite anxiety provoking and scary for you as a parent, it sounds like allowing your son to smoke in a safe and controlled environment where you could monitor him has provided you with a sense of peace. It must have been nice to see him carefree for a moment, even if it was somewhat bittersweet. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to put your emotions aside but it is great to hear that you have no regrets Smiley Happy
Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Looking for advice

Little Wren,

I'm so glad it went so well for your family. You're a great Mum and you're so in sync with your son and are handling the complexities and contradictions so well. I'm a bit of a fan of Jonathan Livingston Seagull and if you haven't read it, might I recommend it. It's about a seagull who wants to soar and fly high in the sky like an eagle and not just settle with flying like a seagull. It's very good and I feel relates to your situation. 

By the way, as someone who has struggled to be understood at times myself, I would think you son would really appreciate how you stepped out for him and put yourself in his shoes.

Best wishes,


Active scribe

Re: Looking for advice

Hello Taylor,


While I understand this decision isn't for everyone, and it's super scary, I truly believe it was the right decision for our family.


I have found great comfort and support from this wonderful forum with everyone sharing their experiences and vulnerabilities and really wanted to put my experience up so as it might help others faced with the same situation.

Active scribe

Re: Looking for advice

Hi Birdwings,


Thank you for your lovely words. It is nice to get some positive feedback in what is a very dividing topic in our community, one mum to another xx


Thank you for the book recommendation, I am an avid reader and will make this book my next priority.


Re: Looking for advice

@LittleWren we're so glad that the support of other parents on the forums has been helpful for you. Heart