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Moving on- my teens plans

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


Moving on- my teens plans

My 16 yr old daughter has always been a difficult, stubborn person. Her new thing is her plan to move across the country to go to college. She is completely blind and that adds to the struggle of everything. She is fiercely independent ( which I fostered and am super proud of). The problem is she is refusing to accept reality in that she needs help. I said let’s talk about your plan. Dad and I can rent a moving van and help you move and settle in your apartment. We can help you apartment hunt, etc. Just get her set up. She is saying No, I will just hire a driver and go alone. I can find an apartment online, etc. I ask her why don’t you accept our help, she says I don’t want to hurt your feelings so I am not going to answer that question ( so frustrating for me). I asked is it because you don’t want us to know where you live? She said no. I just can’t figure this girl out. Is this really normal teen behavior? She has been telling me for years when she is 18 she will move out and we will never hear from her again. My husband says she is just being a normal teen. And to not stress. She will figure out how hard getting an apartment is and ask for help. I am not so sure. Her stubborn level is extreme. Has anyone else experienced this? I feel so alone. I just am not sure if this is really normal teen behavior??
Super contributor

Re: Moving on- my teens plans

hey @Scrappychick

It's a tricky situation as I imagine you want to encourage her independent spirit while at the same time make sure she's safe.

Is she eligible for support from the Government?

I noticed you are in the US. Unfortunately, our service is Australia wide only. You're very welcome to stay but I'm concerned you won't get the advice you need regarding appropriate services etc.


Re: Moving on- my teens plans

I am having very similar issues with my 16 year old whom started with just needing a break to focus on her studies to saying I have done things I haven't and that I never take responsibility for my actions and that I am toxic etc etc.

She does not talk to me, she does not come to see her siblings, she tells me everything is none of my business and has even been taken and medicated without my knowledge.

I'm at my wits end because it is tearing me apart and I don't know why she is doing this so I feel for you and hope you have found some support! X
Prolific scribe

Re: Moving on- my teens plans

Hi @mumattempt88 

I can understand why you would be feeling distressed about this, I'm really glad you reached out for some support.

I wanted to check a couple of details so we can support you in the best way. You mentioned your daughter needed a break and that she was taken, does your daughter live with you at the moment?

I'm also going to send an email, so keep an eye out for that coming your way soon.