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NEED some advice and feedback asap please

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

NEED some advice and feedback asap please


NEED some advice and feedback asap please

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Re: NEED some advice and feedback asap please

Hi there @Haileystar9 this is such a hard situation. I am getting the vibe that this other parent perhaps does not have much compassion for your situation. Or there is an old grievance she is not voicing with you and has let it all compound until this moment. I can understand your feeling hurt, especially when she snapped at you for the card in that way. Do you have anyone close to you, that you can open up to about this? Anyone who is not a part of the family dynamic as a support? It is unfortunate when family members behave this way, you're not alone in the pain and we're all here to listen as much as you need. I will tag some other members for their input Heart


@sunflowermom @Schooner @Orbit64 @taokat