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Sexual assault in NSW high school - How do I help my 14 year old daughter?

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Sexual assault in NSW high school - How do I help my 14 year old daughter?


Sexual assault in NSW high school - How do I help my 14 year old daughter?

Hi there


I have a 14 year old daughter who attends a NSW high school. My daughter was sexually assaulted by a student in the same year as her. He was suspended for a period of 15 days and he is back at school now.


My daughter has been told to get over it and the school refuses to take any action of protecting her or supporting her. The boy who assaulted her has also assaulted 5 other girls. The boy has only been at the school for 5 months and assaulted 6 girls, including my daughter. The school refuse to expel the student or tell him to leave that school.


The police have been notified and involved in my daughters assault however they have chosen to not press charges as it may be a situation of "he got confused and thought she liked him." My daughter told the police that she never gave him any reason to believe that she liked him or wanted him to be sexual with her.


The boy and his family are in Australia on a 4 year visa and his parents apparently own and work at non profit organisations helping disadvantaged children, youth and people with disabilities.


I am finding it hard caring for my daughter and fighting the school as well. We have provided our daughter with support and counselling through various services, she doesn't want to see the school counsellors as they don't help. My husband and I are overwhelmed and don't know what more to do.


I don't mean to be insensitive in asking but has anyone else been through something like this and if yes, how was the situation handled?

Star contributor

Re: Sexual assault in NSW high school - How do I help my 14 year old daughter?

Hi there,


I am so sorry and disappointed to hear about the disclosure of your daughter's assault by another student. 


Its good to hear she has been connected with the appropriate support and we encourage you to reach out for additional support if you and your daughter would feel that would be of benefit. 


Thank you for sharing this @mamabear19 , I hope this can generate some discussion. 



Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Sexual assault in NSW high school - How do I help my 14 year old daughter?

Hi @mamabear19 


This sort of thing boils my blood.  Schools these days seem more interested in protecting perpetrators than protecting students.  


How is your daughter?  Is she suffering ongoing issues with the boy returning?  Do they interact in classes etc?

Would your daughter be open to external councillors i.e. outside the school ? 


Depending on the way your daughter is feeling it may be appropriate to consider moving schools.  I know that is not fair on your daughter but it might be best if she is adversely effected by the boy still being in the school.  My step daughter moved schools after an incident of bullying (not the same I know) and that helped her.

I am not saying that is the answer,  just something to consider.