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Sleepovers on School Nights

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


Sleepovers on School Nights

My teenage son and his girlfriend are sleeping together 7 nights a week. I’ve told them weekends are ok but not during the school week at my home. So they go to the girlfriends home or his fathers where both parents couldn’t care less. It’s causing a lot of arguments and because neither parent will back me up it continues. It’s affting my son’s schoolwork badly and his behaviour but I’m powerless to anything without the support of the other parents involved.
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Re: Sleepovers on School Nights

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Hi @Lucyb 

Thanks for reaching out. It sounds like you're going through a stressful time with your son at the moment, especially when it doesn't feel like you're getting the support you'd like from his girlfriend's parents.


I'm wondering what happens when you try to talk to your son about this and explain why you're concerned? Broaching these discussing can be difficult, even more so when there has been previous conflict around the topic. We have a lot of resources and articles here about how to communicate effectively with your child, which you may find helpful.