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The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

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The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help


The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

Message contains a video

 Did you know that research shows that the worse young people feel inside the harder it makes it to ask for help?


Research was done with 1400 users of ReachOut and Kids Helpline and as well as getting the reseach published in scientific journals, they made a video so that young people would be have access to the information too.

Here it is: 


Casual scribe

Re: The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

The video is terrific SOPHIE-RO.It reminds me of some of the difficult times I had in my teenage years when I truly believed there was no one in the world that would understand me and what I was going through.




Re: The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

Great video. It applies to all ages I think.  Even as parents we sometimes wait too long to ask for help - for our children and/or ourselves. Luckily, we have this forum Smiley Happy


Re: The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

Thanks @Rehab! I can also relate and I know a lot of young people in our youth community think so too....

Re: The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

Totally @Mitzi

Re: The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

that's great!

However, I would recommend comparing it to some of the hot youtubes popular among young people. I would say, they are faster and rougher. May be 'official' videos targeting young people should have the their 'air'.

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Re: The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

I know what you mean @readthemanual and we were just talking about this today!! Young people don't want slick videos with high production values. In fact it makes them not trust that it;s "real" people...
Super frequent scribe

Re: The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

I am going through this with my daughter at the moment.  She has a learning disability and even though she starts each year with a positive attitude, once she starts to struggle and not achieve at school she just gives up.  She stops asking for help and withdraws.  I have tried many different ways to support her and keep her engaged but then the rejection of any help starts and the negative talk starts again.

It is a cycle that I have no idea how to help her get out of.  I have just had another meeting with her school but it feels like I am hitting my head up against a brick wall.  

She is in Year 10 and I have no idea how I am going to support her until she turns 17.  Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.



Re: The worse they feel, the harder it is to ask for help

Message contains a hyperlink
Hey @Maggiemay - it's so tough, like a snowball effect. It feels so unfair! This is a great page from the youth site: