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Weird behavior from my 16 year old son

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Weird behavior from my 16 year old son


Weird behavior from my 16 year old son

My 16 year old son has been going through a lot of chang over the last 2 years, he had what i thought was depression, he didn't leave the house or talk to anyone for a while. Then suddenly he changed and appeared to be inebriated very often i eventually found a crude moonshine still and fermentation equipment which he kept hidden under his bed. He then suddenly began to dress differently, he would dress in reproduction only in military surplus of a pattern he called he told me was "bushstroke" and only wears canvas shoes or "courteney vellies". I also noticed he had a weird flag with green and white stripes and a coat of arms in the center hanging on his wall the other day when i went into his room. He also changed and started going to we'd go to with friends, getting drunk and hitting on women well into there 60/70s using the phrase "Hey crow/duck/goose want to go marching to Angola" or "Hey crow/duck/goose want to go slot floppies" normally followed up by other sayings, I have no idea what they mean, Can someone tell me what has happened, the fact the women are all in their 60s and 70s is the weirdest part, its just so confusing to see this change.


All help is appreciated, thank you, I just want to know what is happening with him.

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Re: Weird behavior from my 16 year old son

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Hey there @janet_melb89 I am so sorry to hear about your experience it sounds very sudden and very distressing for you as his parent, we're all here to listen and to support you as best we can. That photo I popped through google reverse images and evidentially it's the flag of the Rhodesian Army - you can read about them on Wikipedia here.


It sounds like perhaps your Son has started spending time with a new group of people or has engaged with an idea he is trying to shape an identity around. You're right the hitting on much older woman is tricky, have you sat down with him as yet and questioned what's been going on for him?


I will tag some other members to get their views as well. We also offer a free service which is super helpful to a lot of our members, RO Parents Coaching [click here]. 

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Re: Weird behavior from my 16 year old son

Super star contributor

Re: Weird behavior from my 16 year old son

Hi @janet_melb89, I'm sorry to hear you and your son are going through this. I'm wondering the same as @Breez-RO - have you had a talk to him about the changes you've noticed in him? 


It does sound like he's trying to find his place in the world and has gotten himself caught up in something that sounds very concerning. Do you know where he's getting the money to purchase all these things? Has he ever shown any interest in the Australian Military or expressed interest in wanting to become a soldier?


I think the parent coaching would be a great idea, as it will give you some practical tips that you can use straight away. Has your son ever seen a counsellor for his issues in the past? Getting some support for him might also be a good thing. 


It must be so confusing for you, and it's often hard to know how to best move forward. I hope some of the other parents can better answer your question about what is happening with your boy.