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18 year daughter who wants nothing to do with me.

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18 year daughter who wants nothing to do with me.

Casual scribe

18 year daughter who wants nothing to do with me.

So my daughter who is turning 19 has moved out of home and since she has done this is very up herself. She is very irritated by anything I say to her and if I don’t agree with her she is very quick to get in a strop and hang up on me or storm out of my house. She does not want me or my sons at her house and does not make any effort to keep a relationship with us even though we have tried and tried with her.
It just seems that she is only nice when she wants something from me. Which is very upsetting as she was not bought up this way and seems to have changed once she moved out.
All she says to me is that she’s quite happy not to talk or to see me and complains that she has nothing to talk to me about.
Do I just leave her for weeks on end with no communication? I don’t want her to feel abandoned but she is making it very hard to be in contact with her and I just end up in tears with sleepless nights and she really doesn’t care if she is in contact. Everything has to be on her terms.
Super contributor

Re: 18 year daughter who wants nothing to do with me.

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Hi @Sandra57, I am sorry to hear about your situation with your daughter. I can tell that this has been really upsetting for you to have the dynamic of your relationship change so much. There may be many reasons why your daughter is reacting this way, though it sounds like your attempts to talk about the situation have not been received well. It may take some time before your daughter is ready to have that conversation. It must be so difficult to be put in this position but where you go from here is really up to you and what you feel comfortable with. With the impact that it is having on you, you could check in every now and then or let her know that you will wait to hear from her first.


If you find yourself needing further support, please reach out to Parent Line which provides counselling and resources for parents.

Please feel welcome to keep us updated Heart

Casual scribe

Re: 18 year daughter who wants nothing to do with me.

Thank you that’s really supportive.