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3 month old picked up by arms

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

3 month old picked up by arms

Casual scribe

3 month old picked up by arms

My husbands dad (wonderful grandpa) picked our 3 month old son today by the arms. I immediately told him not to but I’m worried about what could’ve happened to his bones. He didn’t seem to be in any pain, and still isn’t, but because he’s a big heavy boy and so young, I’m worried. Any thoughts or experiences that could help me calm down?

Super contributor

Re: 3 month old picked up by arms

Hi @BoiMummy,

Thanks for sharing. It is really great to hear that you have been able to raise your concerns with grandpa and were able to intervene when you felt concerned. Unfortunately our forum is for parents of teenagers experiencing mental health difficulties and your son is quite below the scope of our service. We are also unable to give out medical advice due to the nature of our service. We encourage you to seek support from a health practitioner if you are concerned about your son. They might also be able to provide further information about this issue which may alleviate any future worries you have. There might be a service that you could phone in your area for advice over the telephone.

We wish you all the best Heart