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Any recommendations for psychologist for teen.
Community Manager

Re: Adhd

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Hi @vron7 and welcome to the forums! 

It sounds like you have a teen who has been diagnosed with ADHD. How are you all coping with the news? It can be quite a lot to process and is often accompanied with a mixture of emotions. We have a range of resources regarding ADHD that your teen might find helpful here .

There are a few ways you can access a psychologist that specialises in teens with ADHD and your GP is usually the first port of call. Your GP can refer your young person to a psychologist in your community under a mental health care plan. If you have a care plan, the Government will pay for some of the cost of up to 20 sessions in a calendar year via a Medicare rebate. You can also find a suitable psychologist in your community here that specialises in young people with ADHD. 

We wish your family all the best and please feel free to connect with us again at any time.