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Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

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Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?


Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

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These days, it's common to watch TV series in bulk - or 'binge'. On DVD or downloaded or on a streaming site like Netflix it can be too easy to think 'just one more episode'. I know I have definitely done this - do your kids watch TV series this way?


Apparently, research carried out by the University of Toledo showed that viewing programs in bulk could have a negative effect on your mental health. Read more here.


So what do think - and if it's something that you do, is it a case with your kids of do as I say not as I do?? I'd love to know your thoughts on this


Re: Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

Read it, don't agree with the title as it does not state what the research actually find out: there are relationships but not causal and need more research.


I don't usually watch TV. When one serie is well received by friends of similar tastes, or based on a book I'd read, I would binge watch it, in full if it is attractive for the first couple than skip and fast forward towards the end, just to get a taste of the filming and acting and fashion sometimes.

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Re: Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

That's really interesting.  Both myself and my kids are definitely guilty of a bit of binge watching on Netflix!


I'd like to see more research - I'm not sure that I buy this.


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Re: Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

I agree there needs to be a lot more research.  I know my family and I are guilty of binge watching especially on cold and rainy days.  I think its great to be able to all grab blankets and pillows and set ourselves up in front on the TV with snacks and enjoy watching back to back episodes of series or movies.  


Is the research focussing on when someone does this alone?  Is this person doing it on a regular basis and therefore does not have the social interaction with friends and family?


Does the same apply when someone gets into a book and doesn't put it down for hours?


Interesting topic.  Can't wait to read others views.


Frequent scribe

Re: Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

Like you said @Maggiemay - "binge-watching" together, socially with the family might counteract some of the negative effects?

It's helping start conversations and and you bond over the love of the show, develop in-jokes etc. Sometimes, if you binge-watch in this social way, it could bring the family closer together I would argue!
Frequent scribe

Re: Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

I'm with you @MeJane.  Binge-watching with your teens could actually be really healthy.  I find that any kind of shared experiences with teens is really important, and valued by them.  And that can be as simple as just hanging out and watching TV.


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Re: Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

Yep, for sure. It's about how you do it - not necessarily the act itself....

Re: Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

Yeah, nah. What do they say about binge-reading a book for example? Would we still have regret when when we finished it?


"Binge" has become a buzzword and I'm not fond of it. However, last weekend in Sydney the weather was so horrific with rain and winds that it was virtually impossible to go outside. So I binge-cleaned my house.

Prolific scribe

Re: Binge-watching TV impacts mental health!?

"I binge-cleaned my house." HAH! Brilliant @Mitzi.