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Daughter excluded from ballet concert

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Daughter excluded from ballet concert

Casual scribe

Daughter excluded from ballet concert

Hi all

I’m actually writing about my younger child and has bad anxiety due to DV and leaving her father. Yesterday her $2500 ballet school told me she wasn’t allowed to participate in the grand concert at the end of the year which I as a single parent paid $600 for. I hadn’t read the rehearsal time table correctly and she missed two over a week. I struggle and struggle to pay those fees and then her teacher publicly admonished her about her lack of commitment. At no point did the school try and call me to alert me there was an issue.... I called them to discuss the timetable because I found it soo confusing..... she is seven years old
Star contributor

Re: Daughter excluded from ballet concert

Hi @Wubzy,


Thank you for reaching out to talk to us about what is happening for you right now. Both you and your daughter have been through a lot, and I can imagine the additional financial stress would be challenging.


I'm really sorry to hear about how the dance school handled the situation. It sounds like there was a real communication break down on their end. Have you had a chance to talk to the dance school about this? Will there be opportunities for your daughter to catch up in time for the concert? 


Dance and sport activities can be a really good outlet for young people going through anxiety.  How was she after the teacher pointed her out in front of the others?


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Casual scribe

Re: Daughter excluded from ballet concert

Hi all

Thanks for your lovely responses. The ballet school was unreal in the way they treated her.... I had hoped the teacher would have the sense to simply raise it with me and not involve a young child.... when I retread the note they sent she hadn’t missed a rehearsal. She missed one class... I decided to pull her out after she was publicly admonished. Still trying to make sense of it really