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Does the copying ever stop?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


Does the copying ever stop?

My 4 year old son has taken a liking to copying his older stepbrother (i think he is on the spectrum but mom wont take him to get checked) normally my son doesnt have any eating issues or behavior issues (tantrums and such) but lately he has a bit of a habbit of copying his older step bros behavior and eating habits.. (Pocketing food in mouth refusing to eat at all and SERIOUS violent like tantrums)
My question is will the copy cat stuff ever stop?

Re: Does the copying ever stop?

Hello @krisshaf , sorry to hear that you are in a tough situation right now. It sounds like you are quite concerned about your son and stepsons behaviour and the impact it might be having. Have you been able to discuss your concerns with your stepsons mother? It might be helpful for you to talk about how your son's behaviour has been concerning lately as you think he has been watching his step-brother. Sounds like it could also be helpful to support your stepson around the problematic behaviour, whether that be discussing it with him or eventually getting him in touch with a professional who may be able to address the behaviour with him. Smiley Happy