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Has your teen taken part in the 'Roast Me' phenomenon?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Has your teen taken part in the 'Roast Me' phenomenon?

Star contributor

Re: Has your teen taken part in the 'Roast Me' phenomenon?

Spot on @sunflowermom it's far too dangerous. It is that overwhelming sense of curiosity, no doubt their peers are doing it. So detrimental though, at such a vulnerable age. Let us know how you get on with your daughter Heart 

Super star contributor

Re: Has your teen taken part in the 'Roast Me' phenomenon?

I really love what you said @Sunshine6 - “If we support them to build a relationship with themselves beyond their achievements then they can up days and down days, they can succeed and fail without it defining them”  I couldn’t agree more or have articulated it better, thank you for sharing with us.


What did your daughter think @sunflowermom? With all you’ve had going on I understand if it was a conversation that wasn’t priority Heart


Casual scribe

Re: Has your teen taken part in the 'Roast Me' phenomenon?

Sorry for the time between check ins! I am new to forums :-) I have found that getting to know what it feels like to have a relationship with myself beyond what I do is how I can best support my kids to do the same for them because I know what it feels, looks and sounds like! If I am just telling them and not doing it myself it is just a theory and, as they are sensory beings and feel more than they understand or can translate, there is a mismatch for them of what we say and what they see. That has been my experience. 


So rock on dating ourselves :-)

Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Has your teen taken part in the 'Roast Me' phenomenon?

I asked my daughter what she thought of the "Roast Me" and she said that was a horrible thing to do.

Star contributor

Re: Has your teen taken part in the 'Roast Me' phenomenon?

Hi @Sunshine6 very beautifully written! It sounds like you are setting an incredible example Smiley Happy I really love this sentence "If I am just telling them and not doing it myself it is just a theory and, as they are sensory beings and feel more than they understand or can translate, there is a mismatch for them of what we say and what they see." So great to hear that demonstrating some self-love is supporting your household Smiley Happy


Hi @sunflowermom, It's great you raised this topic with your daughter! Such an important conversation to have 


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