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How are your kids most like you?

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How are your kids most like you?

Super frequent scribe

How are your kids most like you?

I was thinking about the old saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" and how we can see so much of ourselves in our kids. Sometimes it's little mannerisms or phrases they've picked up from us - I can't even believe how often my mouth opens and my mother's voice comes out nowdays! But often it's bigger things, like personality traits that almost seem to be genetic.


So I'm curious to ask everyone here, how are your kids most like you?

Prolific scribe

Re: How are your kids most like you?

My son got my determination, which is really a nice way of saying we're both stubborn! Smiley Tongue


Re: How are your kids most like you?

I'm glad my son inherited my bleeding heart crusader tendency. He goes about it in a more reasoned, gentle way than I do so I'm happy about that as well.


Re: How are your kids most like you?

My daughter is not like me at all! She takes things too seriously and is a perfectionist. "Mum you are not right,we need to try our best!" That's what she always says to me. I just wish she could relax.

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Super frequent scribe

Re: How are your kids most like you?

Oh wow, how do you handle those conversations @readthemanual Smiley Tongue

I can relate, as I butted heads a lot with my mum growing up, although she was the perfectionist and I was more laid-back - especially when it came to cleaning!




Re: How are your kids most like you?

"oh yeah, but life would be too hard, which is not necessary!" @ElleBelle, that is my answer!


I am a lucky one! That's why I am the most admired parent among her friends.

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Frequent scribe

Re: How are your kids most like you?

my husband & daughter could care less about getting to places on time, my son & i like to be prompt.  makes for interesting convos trying to get out of the house!

Super frequent scribe

Re: How are your kids most like you?

Haha I bet @JenniferS! Are there any areas where your daughter takes after you and your son takes after your husband?

Super frequent scribe

Re: How are your kids most like you?

In my family, there's a pretty even mix of enjoying sport and taking on too many things. Not something I would change actually... Smiley Happy The apple really doesn't fall far.

Prolific scribe

Re: How are your kids most like you?

My youngest son is like me in that he is extremely stubborn. My oldest son shares my empathic gift, sensitive and shy.