Discussion forum for parents in Australia
07-24-2019 09:35 PM
Hello, dear parents.As we all know, there is practically no way to avoid our children using technology and the internet these days, however, I feel strongly inclined to make sure that the online experience would be safe for my children.
I have an 6 years old son which is passionate about games. I am limiting his screen time and only allow him to be online when all of our family members are home and he is in a communal places of our house, such as kitchen, living room and our backyard. Unfortunately, I've already seen 2 pop-up ad's with for some stupid game which contained a woman with naked breasts, and I am more than sure that it have happened more than once.
What kind of applications, computer settings or other preventive measures you are using to avoid that
? My good friend said she is using application called family friendly dns (here: https://familyfriendlydns.com/ ) as she is constantly working and are unable to monitor her child for most of the time, however, I am a bit sceptical about this. Have any of you tried something similar? Can I rest assured that it really filters all erotically related content?
Thank you in advance .
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