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Rights for children being bullied and their families

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Rights for children being bullied and their families

Casual scribe

Rights for children being bullied and their families

  I have a son in the 7th Grade that is being bullied.  What are his rights and ours to help keep him safe and protected?


Re: Rights for children being bullied and their families

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Hi there @MomForJustice 


Thank you for reaching out for support with this situation. It's so heartbreaking when your child is being bullied. I'm just wondering if you have spoken with the school about this/are they aware of the bullying? 


We have an article that takes parents through some steps that can be taken if your child is being bullied here 


In terms of your rights, I believe that would be dependant on your country and school. As we are an Australian organisation I'm not sure I'd have relevant information for you. However this link will take you to a page that has some information for you on Laws for Bullying in school. 


Keep us posted on how you go with this and know we're here to listen Heart 

Casual scribe

Re: Rights for children being bullied and their families

  I believe, regardless of what they say they knew, and had prior knowledge of the situation.  I want to help him in the best way possible.  My son is gentle truly kind hearted, he would never hurt anyone.  We did have a meeting today with the principal so, I addressed that as well.  My three sons are my heart, and it breaks when I know and feel as a mother they are being wronged.  Thank you for responding to my post.  I worry greatly because he is scared to go to school.  I know no school is perfect, but when he's asked the race of his sibling's and his parents I don't understand why that is relevant to them bulling him, other than for more hurtful ammunition to hurt him with.  Why do children learn hate?



Star contributor

Re: Rights for children being bullied and their families

Hi @MomForJustice , 


Thanks for updating us on how you are going. It sounds like you are a really strong advocate for your kids, they are truly lucky to have you in their corner. 


Bullying can be a terrible experience, I'm sorry to hear that your child is now scared to go to school. It's really positive that you had a meeting with the school principal, did they indicate any strategies that the school may have to help address bullying? A school counsellor can also be a useful resource, to help your son develop coping strategies, and work with any anxiety he may have around returning to school. 


It's terrible to hear that your kids may be experiencing racism, that should never be acceptable. You sound like a gentle, loving mother, and I hope that the situation improves for you. 


It sounds like it's been a really stressful time for you - are you able to do something nice for yourself? Heart 

Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Rights for children being bullied and their families

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