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Young child exposed to porn

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Young child exposed to porn

My 9 yr old son search specific porn while our neighbours 9 yr old son was over for a sleepover. I know my son instigated it because of the actress he first searched and continued from there. He has ASD and my husband and I have worked out how to approach this incident with him. I need advice on how to approach the conversation with our neighbour. I want to discuss it with them immediately. I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety and not sure how well I will cope but I need to get through this. How am I best to discuss it? I have internet security in place but forgot to set up this one device. I feel absolutely sad for these boys that they managed to access and horrified as a parent that it happened and at my house.

Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Young child exposed to porn

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Oh I can feel the sickness in your tummy as I read this. Sometimes we can't be everywhere and it is so unfortunate this happened while you were caring for this other boy. I always say two kids, who are perfectly good when alone, can get into all sorts of unexpected scenarios when they're together. 


My only suggestion would be to be prepared and be honest. 

Prepare for the discussion - what you will say, even practice it. Be prepared for the questions and backlash, if there is any. 

Be honest about what happened and how your son knew how to access the site so they can avoid it in future. Be honest about how it made/makes you feel. Let them know that there will be repercussions/discussions for your child, if possible. 


Here are couple of links that you might like to share with the neighbour.


Happy Family



Star contributor

Re: Young child exposed to porn

Hi @Lola1,


How did you go with preparing to have this conversation with your neighbour? @JAKGR8 has offered some great ideas about approaching this discussion, what were your thoughts?


If you need to debrief afterwards, you are more than welcome to do so here too Heart


Wishing you the courage to approach this conversation- definitely not an easy one to have with your neighbour 


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