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Re: Demanding apologies

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@Pigwithwings11 thanks for sharing what's happening for you - I'm guessing that must have felt pretty frustrating, especially when you'd gone to the trouble of doing something kind like making muffins. 

At ReachOut, our focus is on supporting parents who have children in the teenage years, so you might find the information at somewhere like Raising Children Network better suited to your family.

For example, their articles about understanding and managing emotions and helping children calm down may have some helpful information if you'd like to take a look. 


As a parent myself, I think it's common for children to be a little reactive at times (for want of a better word) as they are still learning how to manage their emotions. 

I'm not sure if this is helpful, but I was wondering if these situations could be an opportunity to help your child to learn words for their emotions by reflecting them back to them (eg. 'you seem like you're feeling sad'), and giving them tools to soothe (eg. 'would you like a hug?')