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Ab Fab Friday's - What dates/numbers are important/challenging for you? 13th April @8pm (AEST)

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Ab Fab Friday's - What dates/numbers are important/challenging for you? 13th April @8pm (AEST)

Super star contributor

Ab Fab Friday's - What dates/numbers are important/challenging for you? 13th April @8pm (AEST)

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Come along for this week's Ab Fab Friday's!!! 13th April @8pm (AEST)!!


The topic: What dates or numbers are important or challenging for you?


With Friday being the 13th, it got me thinking about the significance of certain dates and numbers for me, and possibly for many of us! Are there any that stand out to you for any reason?


Take an hour for yourself to come and chat with other parents as we share the dates and/or numbers that are important or more challenging for us. 


Image result for friday 13


How do I take part?

Simply come back to this thread at 8pm Friday night and start chatting! Smiley Happy


@Sister@Zoesplace@Schooner@oneofthosedays@Netbell123@Lostdad@Chalke5@Kerry36, we'd love to see you! 

Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What dates/numbers are important/challenging for you? 13th April @8pm (AEST)

Hi everyone! 


Have we got anyone here tonight?

Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What dates/numbers are important/challenging for you? 13th April @8pm (AEST)

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I hope everyone is having an awesome night, whether you're out socialising or having a quiet night in front of the TV!


We'll be back same time next week. I do apologise for being so late in getting this week's topic up and running. 


Goodnight Smiley Happy


tired good night GIF