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Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

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Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

Aw your lucky daughter @Zoesplace, that's so lovely. I'm sorry it wasn't so romantic for you Smiley Sad


A friend did accidently send me a heart emoticon instead of thumbs up haha. That was my highlight on Valentine's Day haha!

Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

So what have been your best or worst dates @Zoesplace and @Erin-RO?


My worst:- I went on a dating site many years ago and had been talking to a guy and we organised our first date. I got there, couldn't see him anywhere, because it turns out he was using someone else's picture. That date didn't go any further lol!

Star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

I had a good laugh on Valentines Day...  reminiscing with my best friend from school about how we use to send each other Valentines Day cards when we were younger because we didn't have boyfriends at the time ... hehehe Smiley LOL

Prolific scribe

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

I actually forgot it was Valentines Day! lol


Hmmm best date would probably be going to a winery and worst date, luckily (knock on wood) I can't seem to remember one! lol 


Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

That's so lovely and funny @Zoesplace. #bestfriends 

Star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

omg... @taokat why would he use someone else's photo, no wonder you couldn't find him!

If feels like I haven't had a "date" in one hundred years... I cant remember that far back!


Star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

Thats good @Erin-RO that you cant remember having a bad date..

Prolific scribe

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

Perhaps I've blocked it out! @Zoesplace

Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

Hahaha @Erin-RO, just another day to me too!


Winery - how could that not be a good date! And that's awesome you haven't had a bad one - I hope you never do Smiley Happy

Prolific scribe

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What have been your best/worst dates? 16th February @8pm (AEDST)

thanks @taokat fingers crossed!