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Discussion forum for parents in Australia

New member? Introduce yourself here!

Super contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Amazing replies @mum2twins and @motherbear. Thank you so much.

I'd love to move these if @Ives101 decides to post a new topic. I'd hate for the other community members to miss out on this wisdom. Man Happy

Super frequent scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi everyone looking forward to communicating with amazing people like yourselves
Super contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourslf here!

Welcome @Red21 So lovely to have you here.

I'm wondering if you're thinking of


"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results."


It's largely attributed to Einstein but just as many say it is misattributed. Who knows. It gets used a lot in the areas I've worked in and although I've always disliked the word 'insanity' I love the premise. 

Basically, if I keep doing the same stuff, I'm going to get the same results!

Which is wonderful if you're talking about eating well or yoga and not so great if you're talking about poor life choices.

Super contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

We're looking forward to communicating with you too @Serapis22!!

Super contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

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@Red21 If you have a moment, maybe you could jump over here and start a post about your yoga practice?

If you have any suggestions for something beginners can do? We are really big on self care here and I'd love to start a yoga thread. Maybe you could be our yoga guru and parents can check in to see what they can do to destress.


I also had my son's teacher recommend some yoga for my son who struggles to focus in class. Have you got any suggestions around that?

Prolific scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourslf here!

Yes Einstein! On the tip of my tongue lol! He has many phrases which I laugh with in our home.
Super frequent scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi @Doran welcome to reachout
Super frequent scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi @polhan wellcome to reachout
Frequent scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourslf here!

1. How old are your kids and what is one thing they've done recently that made you laugh?

My kids are 18 and 14.  One thing that makes me laugh are the little lectures they give me about social media etiquette, ie, apparently it is okay and expected to post a cute photo of my niece on her page for her birthday but NOT to tag her in it and NOT to use those particular emojis. 

2. Parenting can be really stressful - how do you try to keep those stress levels down?

Go to work!  Ha ha.  And also the gym.  Have actually got a good deal on a family membership so often take them with me if they want to go.  We work out in different areas but it is good bonding and stress relief. 
3. What led you to ReachOut Parents today?

Concerns about my son and sexuality and bullying.  I have had issues with my daughter and anxiety and food in the past. 
4. Whats your top tip for parents whose kids are about to enter teenage years?

Maintain good lines of communications and try not to be judgemental or you won't get told what is going on the next time.
5. Whats the best thing about weekends?

As a working parent, weekends tend to be a whirl of housework, cooking, driving people places (18yo has no interest in getting licence) etc.  Husband and I have been making an effort to get out more though now that we no longer need babysitters so that is good when it happens. 

Super contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourslf here!

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So wonderful to have you here @hashtagmum I'm looking forward to hearing from you more.

 snl hello hi bye hey GIF 

Any chance @GrhRo & @crazy6 want to say hi too! And if you have the time, you could answer these:


  1. How old are your kids and what music do they listen to?
  2. How did you hear about Reach Out?
  3. A tip for dealing with angry or upset teens?
  4. The last book, movie or tv show you loved?