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Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

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Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

Star contributor

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

That sounds insanely fun @kevvy22

Active scribe

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

Board games: cleudo, scrabble, uno and I spy all with the lights out and candles lit- lots of nighttime fun

In the days we go exploring down by the river & through all the old buildings.

Gardening is another fun one but the best is ‘ song shows’ either choose a favourite or pluck one out of a hat 🤪
Super star contributor

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

I Spy in candlelight - that would be so much fun @Beemum! Board games and uno are favs of ours too. There’s just the two of us so we also like chess. 


Another easy and and fun card game is the good old Snap. We’d unintentionally end up playing speed Snap which would get pretty funny.


How have you gone with these wonderful ideas @kevvy22? Is there anything that your son has tried? Smiley Happy

Prolific scribe

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

ohhh @Beemum I'm intrigued by 'song shows' - what's that? Sounds fun I love music

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

Wow your kids all sound so suggestible. I possibly just forget that they were back then. I would never suggest anything because they would just go I don't want to do that! Content here often seems to be from those who are finding it considerably easier than others and it is actually quite depressing. Social media concerns are a classic example. The suggestion that you have to know and monitor what your child is doing on social media is great but which child who is operating on the internet in a fashion that they know their parents are not going to like or who's friends are acting in this way would ever let you into their social media world! Its a great theory but lets be honest if they were letting you into their social media world you probably don't need to be monitoring it. They are already the sort of child who would come forward with something they are not comfortable about.

Prolific scribe

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

Hi @Matandal4012 it's a good point that when children are younger they may be more easily re-directed to off screen activities. How old are your children now? I'm also sorry to hear that you haven't found the content here very helpful, you mention difficulties with managing social media, was there something in particular or more specifically, you were looking for support or help with?



Casual scribe

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

It was very useful for me and all. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well.


Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

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There are some great ideas here. Kids can be so different. 


I just wanted to add that the research shows it is important that children have periods of boredom. I couldn’t find the original article quickly but this might lead to it. 


I know my kids like a variety of games, pen and paper activities and still like pretend play. It might not look like they are doing much but their minds are active. Our son would love to play with just a piece of material and a stick for hours. Who knows what he was thinking but the point was they loved playing with stuff outside it’s designated use. Creativity. 


Also screen time needn’t mean brain dead time. They can create movies, animations, sound scapes, music etc. 


What about volunteering. Animal shelters, aged care centres, church groups, scout like activities. 


Have fun. 

Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

This is a great topic- 

My youngest is a 12 year old daughter and I can all ready see the screen addiction taking hold.  She does love crafts, horseback riding, scouts, baking.  Honestly anything that I will participate in with her she will totally do.  I suggested we both start taking martial arts together and she loved that idea.

Remembering these are our last years to hang with our kids while they still think we are semi cool.

Star contributor

Re: Tricky times for finding things to do off screen for 11 year olds

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Hello! I am wondering if parents who have replied to this topic might also have some ideas for our school holidays activities discussions here? Would love to hear your thoughts about some off screen activities parents can do with their teens in the school holiday period!


Check out our community activities calendar here