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What are your thoughts on spanking?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

What are your thoughts on spanking?


What are your thoughts on spanking?

I have no children yet I’m only 20 but I don’t want to spank my kids because I don’t want to hit them, I will feel bad and probably end up crying with my child.

I also want to teach my child that it’s wrong to hit people, but I don’t want my child thinking well you hit me.

There are other ways to discipline a child, spanking does not teach a child anything, plus I don’t want my child to feel afraid of me, I want them to feel safe and loved around me.

What are your opinion of spanking?
Active scribe

Re: What are your thoughts on spanking?

Hey HailieB

Welcome to our online community and good on you for reaching out.

Sounds like you want to get a head start on being the best parent you can which i think is amazing.

Im wondering whats prompted this for you if anything - have you witness something or has happened with a family member or friend's child?