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New member? Introduce yourself here!

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Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

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Casual scribe


Hi all, I am a newbie. Have read some of the threads while searching for some help with my teenage daughter, so joined.


I am mum to four. Daughter, 15, son 12 and two aged under 3.  Yes, there's a gap in the middle, yes, I was divorced & remarried. It's a common question. lol. Am looking for a thread to discuss or get advice on behavioural issues in teens. 




Active scribe

Re: Newbie

Hi @Mammatofour, and welcome!  You've come to the right place, just jump on the end of any of the threads that interest you or start your own Smiley Happy

Star contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

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Warm welcome to our newest members @Beauy @Orange @Melk5 and @SophieAndo


Image result for hello


We love getting to know our members and this is the best place to let us know a little bit about you and what brought you Reach Out (remember to keep it anonymous!).


Here are some conversation starters to get you going...


1.  How old are your kids and what is something thing they have done to make you laugh?

2.  What led you to ReachOut Parents?

3.  Whats the best things about week ends?


Look forward to hearing from you soon 

Frequent scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

1. How old are your kids and what is one thing they've done recently that made you laugh?

14/girl 16/boy

DD: I just found out she changed her account on her computer to administrator, which means, she manages the content she wants to see it. Mama changed it back to “Child Acct”

DS: He asked: Can I drive your car to school?

2. Parenting can be really stressful - how do you try to keep those stress levels down?

That is a challenge. I try to care for myself doing meditation to keep anxiety down. After one of their friends had an accident and is now under minimally conscious state, I always ask: Is this a battle worth fighting for? 

3. What led you to ReachOut Parents today?

Mostly because of DD, she has been reluctant to engage in any activity and is glued to the couch watching tv. 

4. Whats your top tip for parents whose kids are about to enter teenage years?

”Its not about you, don’t take it personally. Keep loving them”

5. Whats the best thing about weekends? 

We can all sleep in


Casual scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

1.My kids are 20, 19 and 17. They make me laugh at the supper table when we are talking about things that interest them. The youngest is into K-pop music and all things Korean and she tells us a "Korean factoid of the day"
2. My husband and I take a daily walk together to keep stress down.
3. What led you to ReachOut Parents today? I am desperate for help for my middle daughter.
4. Top tip for parents with kids entering teen years is to hold off as long as possible before allowing a smart phone.
5. The best thing about weekends is having no errands to run.

Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Welcome @seekwisdom!!

 So glad you've found our community here. 

 Love your tip about not taking it personally - though that definitely can be a challenge - and to keep loving Heart


Thanks for sharing! We look forward to getting to know you more around the forums. 

Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Welcome @candidgazelle thank you for joining our community and for sharing!! 

Looking forward to seeing you around the forums - and maybe hearing one or two of these Korean factoids! Can't say I'm a k-pop fan myself although it's very entertaining.. 


I hope you find support and comfort here on the forum around your daughter - thank you for reaching out to us. Heart

Super frequent scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi I'm new here
1. I have a 24 year old, 21 year old and 17 year old.
They have a sarcastic sense of humour.
2. I try to keep destressed by walking.
3. I found reachout on the internet. My daughter 17 has anxiety and depression.
4. My top tip for parents with kids about to be teenagers is hold on and get ready for a wild ride.
5. The best thing about the weekends is being outside.
Thanks nice to be here.
Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi @Tulip - welcome to our parents forum, so so glad you found us and have joined what is a super supportive community. 

Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself and your family  - very true that is it a wild ride with teenagers... 

im sure you'll find that everyone on this forum is on their own wild ride ! Keep to join you on your journey Heart