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Wellbeing Wednesday 23rd Jan 2019 - Sharing strengths!

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Wellbeing Wednesday 23rd Jan 2019 - Sharing strengths!

Star contributor

Wellbeing Wednesday 23rd Jan 2019 - Sharing strengths!

Welcome to the Wellbeing Wednesday for the 23rd of January 2019! Smiley Very Happy 

Today we thought we could talk about our
 Personal Strengths: How we can identify them and the role that they play in our lives.



strong love yourself GIF by Rebecca Hendin


So, Strengths! We’re amazingly diverse, but one awesome thing that we have in common is that we all have an individual set of strengths that we use to navigate our day-to-day lives. It’s not always easy to name our own strengths, but we all have something wonderful to offer and amazing qualities that we can draw upon when things get challenging. 


Identifying strengths is a really good way of building self-confidence and resilience! Smiley Very Happy This way, we know that we always have some tools to help anchor us, even when other parts of life might be unsteady.


Today's activity is...:

1. Try to identify some of your personal strengths! 

2. Try to identify the strengths you see in your teens!


A handy way to think of some, if you find yourself coming up blank, is to reflect upon the qualities that you value in other people: there could be some overlap! E.g. empathetic people might value empathy in others Smiley Wink

Try find as many as possible if you can, you’ll be surprised how many you can come up with! 
To get the ball rolling here are some strengths you could think about:


Considerate, Funny, Creative, Caring, Loving, Free-spirited, Spiritual, Respectful, Self-aware, Flexible, Independent, Authentic, Warm, Proud, Passionate, Wise, Organised, Smart, Open-minded, Beautiful, Friendly, Open, Honest, Energetic, Team Player, Willpower, Mindful, Brilliant, Peaceful, Joker, Hardworking, Dedicated, Modest, Daring, Adventurous, Athletic, Strong, Kind, Social, Brave, Clever, Courageous, Empathetic, Able, Problem-Solver, Focused, Determined, Hopeful, Good Listener, Confident, Knowledgeable, Tolerant, Eager, Good Communicator and many more!


Bonus question: can you think of a time/situation where your strengths have/could come in handy in your life?


Check out our community activities calendar here
Star contributor

Re: Wellbeing Wednesday 23rd Jan 2019 - Sharing strengths!

I am tagging some of our members online this week who might be interested in this wellbeing activity

@Hootbayne @sunflowermom @taokat @JAKGR8 @Rowan2011 @Athena671 @lizard0812 @Faob_1 @compassion @Happy


Check out our community activities calendar here
Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Wellbeing Wednesday 23rd Jan 2019 - Sharing strengths!

Like many people identifying and focusing on my strengths is not easy. I can be friendly, compassionate and empathetic. This helps me relate with what my kids are going through and see it from their perspective.

I do like to laugh which can get me in trouble with the kids. 

I think one of my biggest strengths, as a parent, is that I tend not to hold a grudge. It makes it easy for my to forgive, forget and move on. There are still consequences when needed. 


The strengths I see in my teens are endless. They are fun, kind, smart and hopeful. They are considerate of those around them and care about the bigger picture. One day they will help change the world. 

Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Wellbeing Wednesday 23rd Jan 2019 - Sharing strengths!

Well, this is a hard one! Possibly one of my strengths is that I have managed, through all the merde our son is putting us through, to hang onto a sense of humour. Lord knows how,  but at times I can find humour in the day.


I guess another strength, and it could be argued it’s not necessarily healthy, is the ability to live in one reality, then flip over into another. By that I mean the ability to put home stuff aside, and get on with work stuff for a few hours. Mind you, the day I let my year 11 boys at school know they needed to get their backsides into gear, some could argue I was not separating my two realities! Hmmm, maybe that’s why I called that unit of work “How to not suck at life”! 


My children’s Strengths? Well, it would have to be said our son’s is definitely stubbornness. Unfortunately he is wasting such determination on trying to achieve a life with no boundaries and no consequences! Hahaha- oops there’s my sense of humour again! Daughter? Definitely calmness, organisation, caring, intelligence and mental strength. 


Prolific scribe

Re: Wellbeing Wednesday 23rd Jan 2019 - Sharing strengths!

Hi there @JAKGR8, thank you for sharing your strengths with us. Those are some wonderful strengths, having compassion and empathy can certainly help us see things from other perspectives and be helpful in offering support to others. I love that your biggest strengths is not holding a grudge, it can be hard to forgive and move on. 

Some excellent strengths @Faob_1! Thank you for sharing Smiley Happy Humour is a wonderful strength to have, it's great that you can still hold onto your sense of humor. Being able to separate home and work life can definitely be a strength, it can be hard to let go of things to focus on another and it's definitely a nice one to have Smiley Happy

You both have identified some wonderful strength in your kids, thanks again for sharing! Smiley Happy