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Yoga - Active Topic!

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Prolific scribe

Yoga - Active Topic!

Did u know ?

Yoga means union (harmony)
Yoga means simply to be in ones natural way before life became complex
Yoga is for everybody
Yoga is not a cult or religion
Yoga can help everyone
In yoga everyone is a student and a teacher ... feel welcome to share ideas or ask a question ... child or adult.
Change is a breathe away
Peace is within our ability

Prolific scribe

Re: Yoga

So much to say on yoga in schools!
Yet breaking life into small achievable pieces ... may I suggest (1) a yoga incursion day/course at school - There are many trained professionals to assist - either funded by school or parents - it's a win win
(2) go to App Store and download 'smiling mind' - you can ask school if they could use in classroom for focus - it does increase well being,emotional regulation (parents too ) and increase academic performance
Super contributor

Re: Yoga

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Wonderful topic @Red21 and awesome info!


Smiling minds is an app we recommend a lot here at Reach Out. For both the youth members and parents.


You can find it here. There's also The Tool Box


These are both amazing resources for parents and teenagers alike so you don't have to worry about appropriateness when suggesting your teenager try it.


@Red21 do you know of any youtube yoga clips that you think are worth subscribing to?

Super contributor

Re: Yoga

My apologies @Red21, We somehow ended up with two Yoga posts so I've de-activated the other.

It's not that two yoga posts is too many, more that I'd hate for all your awesome suggestions to get lost.


Thanks again for starting this!!

Prolific scribe

Re: Yoga

Hi we have had yoga streamed into one post for ease. I am so pleased
Yoga has found you!
Maybe you could share the benefits that you feel from Your classes to enlighten others here? What benefits you- why bother ?

For me my biggest positives are ... I go to a studio where in the yoga room no talking is allowed - blissful silence😍 Nobody asks me to do anything, I could simply lay on the mat for the entire class and sleep if I wished. However with a gentle compassionate teacher nothing is a problem and it's all about me - there's a change - I have loving support and learn many tools to detox life, my body I have scoliosis gets an internal Massage and feels a great stretch and strengthen . My mind is taught like a puppy to come back time and time again to allow my breathe to simply wash away the day. Sometimes I cry , life can have that effect yet I always come to the memory of who I am and come outa class smiling and serene and renergised and balanced for another day .
That's why I love yoga ❤️

Any other stories to share?
Super contributor

Re: Yoga

What a wonderful way to describe the benefits of yoga @Red21.

And I love the description of the mind like a puppy that needs to be called back. It's a lovely and accurate image. Smiley Happy

Prolific scribe

Re: Yoga

@Ngaio-RO Hmmm YouTube yoga clips ... Ill have to search some - great idea!  I do home practice - Salute the Sun mainly - simple and effect for the whole body.  

Yet my fave is to go to a class with others - no pressure to talk at the times i do not wish to, yet very supportive loving friends there also.  I do a mix of hot yoga (yang) and relaxing yin yoga at a local studio close by who offer a great membership deal for as many classes as I wish.  Only time constricts me else i d be there everyday!  


So some homework for me to find some gems on YOU TUBE ... yes i can do that 

Super frequent scribe

Re: Yoga

Hi @Red21 I have been thinking about Yoga for a while now and reading your posts has made me even more interested in seeking out a class near where I live. I am starting to practice more self-care and am looking forward to incorporating Yoga into this.
Prolific scribe

Re: Yoga

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@Big_Crab  I am sooo pleased to hear you have been inspired to join a local class ... let me know how you go please , I would be so interested to know.   I love that yoga is a non competitive activity, each class is different in that your mind body and breathe will appreciate different ways that it learns to be relaxing until you realise what that means again.  Maybe you will wonder , like me, how do I 'life' without it lol.  


Heres a a little simple 15 min idea for home , simple is best I feel



Prolific scribe

Re: Yoga

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yoga Nidra
Position laying on your back arms by your side palms facing sky, legs long , melt into the floor as you listen to

Yoga Nidra works on central nervous system to make cellular changes
All in 20 mins yes!
30 mins equivalent to 3 hours sleep
Win win