05-21-2023 10:23 PM
05-22-2023 07:24 PM
@Aphi2023 Hi there, welcome to the forums. I'm glad you've found your way to our community, and been able to share your story with us. I can only imagine how difficult and isolating it has been to go through this alone. It sounds like your life has gone down a very unexpected path, and you're at a loss of where to turn or what steps to take next. You obviously really care about your son, to go to so much effort to get an accurate diagnosis - to me this says you are wanting to better understand his experiences of life, how they might be different, and how you can provide the best environment for him to grow up in. He's lucky to have you.
It sounds like a very tough situation with his father, where you do get some practical support but very little in the way of emotional support or connection. I can't tell you whether separating is the right choice or not, but I do know that there are definitely success stories out there of single mums who raise their autistic children happy and healthy. I do think getting the right support around you is a key part of this, and so maybe moving somewhere where there are more community programs, more accessible support, or more specialised care, is the way to go. It is a tough decision to make no matter what you choose. I think at the end of the day, finding community and connection are really important for both you and your son.
I have put together a little list here of articles, organisations, and videos that might help you on your journey. As we are an Australian organisation, some of it will be Australian-based, and so may also be limited in the support they could provide to you - but worth exploring regardless.
I hope this helps, and of course please let us know if there's any further info or resources we might be able to help with. You don't deserve to do this alone.
It looks like you’re visiting us from a country other than Australia.
We are an Australian service and think you’d benefit more from looking up a similar service in your country.
You are welcome to look around the forums, but please don’t make an account or post, as we can’t offer you the help you may need.
Before you go ahead and post, you should know that we remove non-Australian accounts – not because we don’t want to help or connect with you, but because we may not be able to provide you with the service that you require.