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Facebook Q&A

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


Facebook Q&A

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ReachOut is working on a video series for Facebook where a parenting expert will answer your questions about parenting teenagers.


Does anyone have any burning questions they would like to see answered? If so shoot them through in your comments below and we'll pass them over to the experts. 



Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Facebook Q&A

How to remain positive and parent when teenagers reject, become insulting and there is severe social isolation from them? 

Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Facebook Q&A

Strategies to discuss and develop parenting arrangements and arrive at a formal parenting agreement when separating? 


Re: Facebook Q&A

Thanks for sending these questions in @PeteNorthside I'll send them through to the parenting experts and when the Facebook video is up I'll let you know Smiley Happy