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Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Super contributor

Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

                       Tonight, Wednesday the 21st of June at 8 PM AEST!

                                                                         Our Wednesday Wrap on Mindfulness.


Our special guest is Emily May Grad Dip (Psych) (Hons); AMAPS; Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner; BA Comms (Social Inquiry).

Emily is a psychologist with a passion for working with young people and families to support them as they navigate the often tricky world of adolescence and young adulthood. Combining mindfulness, narrative therapy and neuroscience Emily supports young people to develop self-awareness, cultivate bravery and resilience and to gain clarity about the kind of person they want to be and the impact they want to make on the world.

Emily is an experienced family therapist who values the importance of creating compassion, attunement and connection among family members, even in times of conflict and hardship. 


Join us to discuss and explore Mindfulness with Emily as she explains how she uses it in her practice with parents and teenagers.
Emily describes Mindfulness as the art of anchoring to the present moment, without judgement.
During adolescence, when significant neurological, social and personal development change is at play, remaining grounded in the present moment in a non-judgement and open way is particularly important. Mindfulness is not only a skill young people can develop to cultivate a greater sense of wellbeing, but a unique and beneficial way of perceiving and relating to the world around them. 
For the adults supporting and caring for young people, mindfulness is a helpful lens through which to relate to and engage with the turbulence of adolescence and young adulthood.
When supportive adults commit to engaging with young people mindfully, they offer them the greatest gift of all - their presence. The mindful presence of a supportive adult helps young people feel connected and valued and develop skills in regulating their emotions.
Tonight's discussion will explore how parents can adopt mindfulness, not just as a skill, but as useful way of creating a stronger, more meaningful relationship with their child; a relationship that will create a safe harbour to weather the storms of adolescence.
Meet us here, at 8 PM AEST tonight!


Super star contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

I'm looking forward to this one!

Super contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Me too! I'll set up the online form for questions today. I'd love to get a bunch of us attending. Mainly because I think this is something we ALL have a view on and have lots of wisdom to share about it.


I'm pretty confident @motherbear @Red21 @taziness @LovingThruBlue and @GrhRo would all have something interesting to share about mindfulness. Just to begin with...


@Schooner @Zoesplace and @Tired_Mum It would be so wonderful to have you guys there. Please feel free to ask any questions about what this is and how you 'attend'.


Prolific scribe

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Thanks for the message about this! Have been trying to work out whether it was coming up or gone!


I would love to be there Smiley Wink Having just completed my own Month of "Mindful in May" and with teens about to go on their second Teen Mindfulness retreat next month, I'm excited about this practice indeed!


Until tomorrow evening then Smiley Wink

eyintas/Empowering Youth in Tasmania
Super contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

@taziness It's NEXT Wednesday!! The 21st!

We have it on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.

 So sorry for the confusion.

I've edited the post now so it's really clear.

Prolific scribe

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?



wouldn't i just love to join!  However, I am not able - shame.  

BUT i will be interested to hear its reception and how others valued the session.  

In my world its an absolute saviour home and work 

Nameste dear ones - enjoy !


Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

How can I join I am free tonight !
Super contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Just come back here at 8PM AEST tonight @motherbear This is where the talk will be.

See you then!

Super contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Hey, guys, we're good to get started. Apparently, our moderating team are struggling to log in tonight so if anyone is having the same issue, and can read but not post, please email me your questions at and I'll post them for you!

Super star contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

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