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Covid and supervised visits

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


Covid and supervised visits

Been in lockdown for 12 weeks seen my daughter before and nothing in 12 weeks she 21 months and going to have an affect on her 3 hours in 8 months only face to face contact ive had with her this is disturbing as a primary carer from birth its not right for my child to spend no time with me and whats being done for her mental well-being during this tragic time. I just left in dark
Super frequent scribe

Re: Covid and supervised visits

Hi @Mistygirl 


It must be so horrible to not be able to see your daughter. We're really sorry to hear that you're going through this and we're glad that you shared this with us. Hopefully posting on here brings you some comfort.


What are you doing to try and look after yourself during this difficult period?

Active scribe

Re: Covid and supervised visits

i deal with covid when i take my daughter to school and it is so annoying