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Retrieving belongings

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Casual scribe

Retrieving belongings

My daughter is moving back in with me, she was living with her father. He told her if she moved back with me, she would never see him again, among other emotionally blackmailing things. She needs to retrieve some of her things, but is worried about going by herself, he does not physically hurt her.
I'm not allowed to go with her. Legal reasons.
Any suggestions how we can do this?
Super frequent scribe

Re: Retrieving belongings

Dear @Hushpuppy11 


We're sorry to hear your daughter is experiencing that.


I'm not too sure. Perhaps she could take someone else other than you for safety, like an aunty or uncle or some other trusted adult. Alternatively, you might want to contact the police and see if they can go with her (I'm not sure if they offer this service but there's no harm in asking). Otherwise, maybe she could ask her father to leave her belongings out the front for her to collect... What do you think of these ideas?

Casual scribe

Re: Retrieving belongings

We have no close relatives here unfortunately.
I was thinking about the police, if he won't comply with her request to leaving outside, might have to try them.
I think he would behave himself if they were there.

Re: Retrieving belongings

I'm sorry to hear you don't have any relatives who could help @Hushpuppy11  but it does sound like a plan to ask the police for support if asking your daughter's father to put the things outside doesn't work.

Best of luck - I hope it all goes smoothly.