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What guests would you like to see?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

What guests would you like to see?


What guests would you like to see?

We're keen to hear who you'd like to invite to the forums as a guest for an informal chat. Some ideas our parent founders came up with are:


- Parents who have experienced a particular issue,
- Professionals (youth worker, psychologist, mental health nurse, social worker etc EG Michael Carr-Gregg)
- A young person who has experienced particular issues or who could explain an issue from a young person's perspective
-  Panel format with a young person and a youth worker/mental health expert.
- Young adults who've recently been teens to share from real life
- Podcasters like Lynne Malcolm /All In The Mind



We'd love to hear your ideas! Reply below...

Super frequent scribe

Re: What guests would you like to see?

I would like to hear someone talk about expressive/receptive language disorder in teens and how to help them get through high school.


Re: What guests would you like to see?

I think we could invite young people who had experienced communication problems with parents to share their side of the story.

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Prolific scribe

Re: What guests would you like to see?

Great idea @readthemanual! I think our young people would be interested in being a part of that conversation Smiley Happy