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Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

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Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

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Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

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ASD behaviour not unsafe
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Re: Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

Hi @Free2B


I first just wanted to welcome you to the forum. It sounds like there's a few stressful things going on. What were some of the specifics of what's happened there? As in, what led to the exclusion, who are we talking about and what is the risk about? I think you'll get some good advice and support here. I hope you can fill us in more. Keep us posted. 


Kylie RO

Active scribe

Re: Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

Thank you
Student, 14yo ASD, started exhibiting behaviours a few months ago. Disruptive, so put them on a behaviour plan - punishing. The student is not violent, aggressive, dangerous, Was being isolated, warned, student intimidated teachers followed wouldn't give space to regulate.
Parents asked to come in for a review, were told she is to not come back. No written formal reason just that they will help the parents to find a school. No schools, excluded, this will be almost 8 days not at school
Star contributor

Re: Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

Hey @Free2B just need to clarify - how do you know this student? Are you a teacher? This is a peer space for parents to support one another, so just trying to get a sense as to what you're looking for within the community? Let us know Smiley Happy 

Active scribe

Re: Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

am a parent, my daughter is the one affected but I have heard there are several parents in the same position. Just reaching out
Star contributor

Re: Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

Hi there @Free2B, this sounds fairly unfair especially without any sort of written warning. Was there any documentation at all? Do you reside in Australia?


I will tag some of our other members for their input too.


@sunflowermom @Orbit64 @HippyMum 

Active scribe

Re: Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

Reside in Australia.

Australian Ombundsman did an investigation last year on how all schools non govt, govt are applying behavioural management.  It was recommended that a FBA functional behavioural analysis is completed on student with the appropriate clinical people to create data, work out what type of behaviour it is and create a plan to support the student but this has to be done with clinical experts not just teachers.  However, schools fail to do this and dismiss any trauma, change in hormones, disabilities.  If I was the Catholic Education Leader, I would make sure the Principal had the correct and professional, clinical guidance to warrant and expulsion or exclusion.  A expulsion is constituted in the Education System as last resort, the policy states harm, weapons, danger.  

This student wasn't commensurate of expulsion. 

Super contributor

Re: Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

Hey @Free2B, this sounds like a complex and frustrating position to be in. I can't imagine what it would feel like to not be able to attend school with little explanation or management plan. How have you been managing so far with all the feelings that must be floating around within the family? You sound quite knowledgeable and aware of what is going on. Do you have any plan for your next steps? Is there an organisation or body that you can contact about your experience? Sending my best wishes to you and your family Heart

Active scribe

Re: Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

Escalated the education bodies.
Standard authority. It is time for an immediate review of the process.
The person of each individual human being, in his or her material and spiritual needs, is at the heart of Christ’s teaching: this is why the promotion of the human person is the goal of the Catholic school. For this reason the Catholic school, in committing itself to the development of the whole person, does so… in the awareness that all human values find their fulfillment and unity in Christ.” This is what they refer to Student Management: Suspension, Transfer and Exclusion Policy
Prolific scribe

Re: Catholic schools excluding forcing parents to leave

Hi @Free2B,


I apologise for the late reply, I missed your message and came across it by accident recently.


We, too, have experienced exclusion from a Catholic school for similar reasons. The kid involved has never been disciplined for violence or aggressive behaviour at school. However, due to his mental health condition, he can say some things that sound violent during counselling sessions. His medical team constantly told us he was low risk and fit for school. However we suspected the school counsellors were deliberately stressing him so that they could gather evidence to get him out of the school. When we made a formal complaint they said the reason was concern about the risk to other students and staff, and whenever an external body hears that they back away and will not investigate, even though we have reams of evidence to support our position.


It seems to be the perfect defence: "we didn't follow anti-discrimination rules/privacy rule/codes of conduct/policy because we were worried the kid might become homicidal."


We moved schools, to a non-Catholic independent school. It solved the problem immediately (although we were worried about the risk of changing and loosing friends, etc.)


I don't know if this is a recognised strategy within the industry, although I do wonder if it is. 


Hope you have found a solution. I know how lonely and stressful that situation is.
