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UAC - Educational Access Scheme - what is it and should we apply?

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UAC - Educational Access Scheme - what is it and should we apply?

Frequent scribe

UAC - Educational Access Scheme - what is it and should we apply?

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While clearing out somepaperwork recently, I came across a copy of my daughter's submission to the UAC for special consideration in the HSC back in 2012. One of my friends did the same for her daughter last year after many medical issues despite her daughter being adamant initally, that she didn't want to apply. So, it occurred to me that it might be useful to share our experience here and open a dialogue about the pros and cons.

My daughter suffers from anxiety and depression, missed a lot of school, exacerbated by a bout of glandular fever in yr 11. In fact, as I read through all the documentation again just now, I cried at being reminded of her struggle..... But before I go on, let me tell you where she is now. She worked full time since school, trained as a lifeline counsellor while working fulltime and this year she started a psychology degree and is getting distinctions and credits in this, her first semester Smiley Happy She contines to work with lifeline and loves her course. Anxiety and depression are still with her but between herself and her fabulous psychologist she has developed her resilience such that she knows better how to manage.......but I digress.

I can tell you, for us, it was worth the paperwork required to apply for special consideration. Look where she is now? 

Uni isn't for everyone and to be honest, year 12 was such a struggle, I made sure she knew that it was entirely up to her whether she completed it - it just didn't matter in the scheme of things, so don't think I'm a university advocate at all costs - sometimes the costs are too high. A few years on she is more mature, more resilient and ready to take on this challenge. Keeping options open can't be a bad thing, right?

Active scribe

Re: UAC - Educational Access Scheme - what is it and should we apply?


Such a good story to read... I have a daughter who struggles to get to school and stay there, but at just turning 14 has a job at the local chemist which has changed her completely. I agree School and Uni are not for everyone and how amazing is it when you see your kids succeeding when you were not sure how it was going to play out.



Re: UAC - Educational Access Scheme - what is it and should we apply?

Thanks for sharing your story @Xena__ - sounds like your daughter is really coming into her own and smashing uni! Well done - you guys sound like you really support each other....

I'm not familiar with EAS, so I just looked it up. It's a program for students whose education has been disadvantaged because of circumstances beyond their control (IE health issues). Then you get bonus points on your UAC score, and/or most uni's keep aside places for students in a EAS program....

Sounds like a great option for those who are interested in uni - like you say Xena it's not for everyone but it's great that there are options.

I wasn't particularly suited to school, didn't get a great score at the end of year 12 but uni suited me perfectly and I graduated with distinction! I don't think I'm alone, for many people who don't excel at school, uni is a better fit - more autonomous and creative.
Super frequent scribe

Re: UAC - Educational Access Scheme - what is it and should we apply?

Year 12 is so tough - so much stress and pressure put on our kids. Even ones who aren't dealing with a mental health issue struggle so imagine if on top of that your health is compromised - EG depression, anxiety etc.

Anything that can help them get through - and be the best them they can be - I say go for it!
Frequent scribe

Re: UAC - Educational Access Scheme - what is it and should we apply?

@Sophie-RO strangely, I was the other way around.  I enjoyed school, and did well, but once I got to Uni, it just didn't work for me, and I stopped and started for a few years.  Iin hindsight, it was when depression first hit me, but I just wasn't aware of what it was, and when I tried to get help, it just wasn't there.  We have come so far in dealing with mental health issues, but still have a hell of a long way to go.


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