Hi @Jurluk
Thank you so much for your post and Welcome to ReachOut Parents!!
It's always great to hear from someone who has been reading and then decides they want to jump in and get some support for themselves too.
Such a tricky age! So much is going on for them, in their bodies and brains and in their peer groups and at school. It's often hard for parents and adults to fully remember what a relentless onslaught the teen years are. No wonder they all go a bit nuts.
And then, on the flip side, older adults often forget just how difficult it is to raise teenagers. Back in the old, old days teenagers were initiated into adulthood and bam, that was it. There were no 'teen years'. Just childhood and then adulthood. Not ideal either but we certainly don't have it easier.
My suggestion would be to start by separating out some of the issues you're having, just to see if there's some you can let go of. For example, what's your position on the boyfriend? If you decide that you're basically ok with it, that you trust her and think that she's ok to not put herself into a situation that ends up yuck for her, then you can ask her if she'd like to talk about relationships in general and let her know she's welcome to raise it whenever she wants to, and then maybe leave her to it.
If you're ok with it.
Or maybe you decide that her preoccupation with social media isn't great but you get it and you could set some limits and then leave that alone.
It's a process that can help you work out what it is that's upsetting you, and why, so you can approach her with one specific issue rather than a general, overall view that she's not doing any of it great.
Teens really need to feel that they're managing all this really scary and overwhelming stuff well. Because they look around and they honestly believe that every other teen has this stuff sorted. And they feel like pathetic aliens.
If you come to her with a litany of concerns, it might feed that insecurity and make her defensive. Which means nobody wins.
How does this sound? Is it making sense?
What's your relationship like? Do you guys talk ok?
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