This teenager (f, 16): Doesn't go to school (tried multiple). Doesn't go to any counseling offered, even over the phone. Simply turns off phone and blocks out the world. Doesn't listen to parents. Will abuse mother into getting what she wants + casual abuse 24/7 too, e.g. attacking physically when mother won't get them their special meal from wherever they decide. One time they smashed an object over the mum's head, causing her to bleed a lot. Constantly tells the mother that they are a awful parent, that they hate them. Will manipulate mother into doing things for them like a sociopath and then turn abusive if they don't get what they want. Has no problem terrorizing the mum, following her and even following her to the car to prevent her from leaving the house. Has ZERO regard for anyone's feelings other than their own. Steals money out of mother's wallet, steals their credit card too, has no remorse in buying WHATEVER they want, steals expensive alcohol from parent's home. Overall a serious sociopath who is not responsive to any verbal communication like 'you're hurting your mother doing this etc.'. Sometimes she will just snap and scream at the top of her lungs like she's crazy. ENTIRELY because she's not getting her way. She has a wonderful family, loving mum, a wonderful home, gets many things kids don't get, so has no reason to be upset. _____________________ So what do people suggest for the mother to do in this situation? Obviously it's really bad and the mum is emotionally exhausted and physically. Has no down time AT ALL, every day is work during day + at night cater to this teenager's demands. The kid fails to see that she will be living a life on minimum wage (because no education) not able to support any of her wants in the future when she gets kicked out at 18. She can't see this at all for some reason. Are there really no options in this situation? It's very serious.
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