I have been alienated from my Children by my ex-partner, whom used the system to subjugate me. Child Safety became involved briefly over a minor incident turned exagerated. The outcome stated that the Children were at risk of emotional harm with me, and not with the Mother. I was shocked! Once the Mother was settled in her new place (it's what she wanted), the Department closed the matter. That made the closure letter redundant in enforcable effect so I'm told. Nothing else was recorded, or orders made. The Mother thought she would then have to use that letter to alienate me, and had every intention to do so whilst she hot started coaching the Children what to say. Since the Mother has no family, or supports, when she enrolled our third born into the School, she removed me as an emergency contact, and placed her freshly known new boyfriend down as emergency contact, calling him her 'partner,' when they don't live together. I mentioned in an email to the School that I was displeased with this disregard for me, and their acceptance or removing me having known what happened, but they said nothing. They don't want to know about 'non-School matters.' They also don't want to know about the Mother's School catchment enrolment fraud, not to have her charged, but to be aware she will do anything to get what she wants. My concern in this post is using a stranger as an emergency contact over me, regardless of if he is known to the School or not, I find not only offensive, and disregarding of my Parenthood, but also potentially unsafe should he have to take our Children home by himself to his place totally seemingly out of my control. I have legal pathways active, taking Child Safety to QCAT, and the Mother to Court eventually, so we'll be running on Interim Orders for a while. What are my options regarding this boyfriend emergency contact she used? Another emergency contact she used is her elderly Grandmother with no licence, and lives four hours drive away. Informed opinions appreciated please. Don't care about her, but my Children aren't safe with the Mother imo.
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