My wife and I are very worried about our teen daughter. She was diagnosed with severe ocd a month and a half ago as well as ADHD. We are looking into getting another assessment because she was misdiagnosed in the past, as well as her recent behaviors that has been rapidly escalating within a few weeks. As for her OCD, it started with her having to wash her hands all the time, but then it turned into her washing and rinsing for 15 minutes because she feels that the soap is still on her hands. She uses 3 rolls of toilet paper daily because she thinks water is splashing on her while using it and has to wipe it off using the entire roll. She also thinks that she is touching things when she is not, for example, when she was in the shower for 3 hours, I went to check on her and she stuck her head out of the curtain and said that she felt like she had just touched the toilet plunger or garbage (while she was still in the shower). Yesterday in the kitchen she wanted a freezie but said she didn't want to get it because she was afraid that she was going to cut her hair with the scissors. I tried to explain to her that she would know if she cut her hair because she would be able to see what her hands were doing. She attempted to cut open her freezie and then after said she was still worried that she did end up cutting her hair. Another time after being in the shower for 2 hours she said she wanted to go back in to wet her hair because while washing it she felt that she pulled out a chunk on her hair. She also has become very aggressive, emotionally, and verbally when she feels that she is not getting her way or when we take away privileges (such as her tv in her room)she has escalated to hitting the wall, swearing, yelling, saying that she hates her life and wants to kill herself. One thing that puzzles me is that she was diagnosed with a fear of contamination OCD, however when trying to reassure her about her contaminated fears, she gets annoyed saying that she does not fear contamination, its just that things are gross when they are on her hands etc. This past weekend we took her to the hospital because she threatened to kill herself (again) the previous time we left once we got there because she had said that she didn't mean it and was just very angry. we explained to her that it worries us when she says things like that and if she says it again we will take it seriously. When we got to the hospital it was like she was a different person, (before we left the house she started laughing because we couldn't get her to leave her room, then she started crying for a bit when we were leaving) wanting to have a conversation, etc as if nothing happened. The doctor asked me to leave the room for a bit so she could speak with her however, my daughter didn't want me to leave but I had to. After, the doctor told her after speaking with her that she feels like she has very good insight, however I have noticed that my daughter says what she thinks others want to hear. She even told us a few weeks ago that she is able to change who she is, even down to the tone of her voice, depending on who she is with. (?) As soon as we got home from the hospital, she started again because I was helping her take off her facemask and she started screaming that i was pulling her hair. Startled, I let go of the mask, so it didn't keep pulling and she then started screaming that I pulled her hair on purpose. I apologized and My wife and I both tried to explain to her that it was an accident, however she seemed erratic at the moment and said that I always do things on purpose to her. I feel like since school has been out because of the pandemic, she is being very negative towards us. She has no friends at school and has always come home thinking that peers are talking about her or misinterprets facial expressions as being negatively directed towards her. (This happens regardless of her environment over the past few years) She has suspected her youth pastor of ignoring her, a past counselor of thinking that her answer to her questions was unintelligent, her piano teacher was not paying attention to her and only to the other student etc. (we have always tried to get her to see a different perspective as well as listening to her about her feelings about this but she goes back to only seeing her own) We have written all these concerns to her social worker and asked for her to have more appointments (more than twice a month, which is what she currently has) the social worker is leaving it up to our daughter as to how often her appointments are, however just like today, she missed her appointment on purpose (it's virtual). She has said that she feels the social worker cannot help her and she also said that she was supposed to write in her log book her anxiety levels throughout the week but she did't do it because she had nothing to write down (she seems to only associate her anxiety with times she is disciplined for being disrespectful and not with her OCD. We are waiting for the children's hospital to get back to us at the moment to see what other support they can provide her as well as a re-assessment. I really don't know what to do at this point. What am I missing? There is so much more, however, it would be a novel if I typed it all out. Its to the point where my wife and I are afraid to give her consequences, because of her abusive and irrational reactions and also very scared that she will hurt herself when she is angry again by hitting herself in her stomach or banging her head etc because she seems to do this almost every time now. We even try walking away so she can calm down but then she will scream or follow that we are ignoring her, even after trying to explain that things are getting heated and it is best to come back together once she is calm.
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