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HELP! At a loss and super worried.

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HELP! At a loss and super worried.

Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

Hi @Sunshine72 

Dont worry about not messaging I figured you have alot going on and I totally understand.

I also understand its too hard to share on here as its so public.

Im so happy to hear he is actually talking to your thats great and is for sure a positive so you need to take that.

Its also fantastic that you have worked out one of his triggers this is surely going to help you moving forward.


We are ok here just juggling the moods the rudeness but at least the school part is over for now so thats something.

I hope you are ok and I wish we could chat off here as it would be helpful im sure.

Thinking of you and hope the weekend goes ok xx


Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

Hi @Sandee,

Thanks for your understanding. Yes do many times I wish I could just touch base with you. How are you doing? The rudeness/tone is frustrating. I’m trying hard to ignore it but I don’t think that’s the right approach either.

You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

Yes I’m taking some words as a win but not great. The only convo we’ve had today is me waking him. Up he gets and walks out the door, then gets home (I’m at work), he’s then gone out before I get home and he’s out now.

Can see he’s spent money ‘liquorland ’ so again no idea what time he’ll be home, who he’s with but it’s pretty clear what he’s doing. Can gauge the general suburb where he is from his purchase. Probably no spray painting tonight as it’s raining here so that’s one win.

We’ve tried texting but no replies. Going to be a long weekend… again.

Hope yours is going better. xx
Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

Hello @Sunshine72 

All ok here at the moment but thats because he is still in bed lol His mate stayed last night . My hubby picked them up just before 9pm as it was late night shopping.

The rudeness is bad my hubby and I just cant believe it at times but we are just going to continue telling hm to stop speaking like that and wont give him what he wants like a lift or anything until he speaks nicely.

How is it at your end? Did he come home last night? How is he buying things at liquor land does he have a fake id?

I hope you and hubby get to do something nice this weekend to try and take your minds of it a bit xx

Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

Hi @Sandee

The rudeness is frustrating. It's so hard as it's clearly a deeper routed issue that they don't want to engage with us about. IT sounds like you've made it clear that he won't get lifts of what he wants without using a better tone of voice. Imagine if we spoke to them the way they speak to us. Geez!

At least he's coming home, has a mate sleeps over,  asks for lifts and sleeping. My son came home last night at 11pm which was early for him and straight to his room. We tried to gauge his intoxication but he seemed ok???  Yes, we've seen he's got fake ID.  Then up very early this morning and ran straight past my room out the door for another day. Story of our lives.  I just don't understand how he survives each day on such little sleep and food. His room is still like a bomb has gone off and it's hard to tell the clean from the dirty clothes as his clean washing is all mixed in with his dirty clothes. disgusting! 

Hubby and I did go out together last night which was actually quite nice. We tried hard to take our mind off things. Got to give it a go, right? Not ideal but the best we can do considering the circumstances. 

I hope you and hubby are doing something for yourselves too. xxx


Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

Hi @Sandee 

My computer is saying that you're online on this site at the moment. I've never seen this pop up with this info. Are you online at the moment? 


Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

Hi @Sandee 

Ignore that, it's clearly not correct. 


Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

Im on


Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

That's so random that it showed that?

Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

Does it show you that I'm on? 

Prolific scribe

Re: HELP! At a loss and super worried.

I cant see it lol