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11 year old son has told me his bisexual

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11 year old son has told me his bisexual

Casual scribe

Re: 11 year old son has told me his bisexual

I agree my now 18 year old daughter came out quietly a few years ago and now she knows we’re supporting her she’s becoming a little more confident in opening up with friends. But I feel it’s easier for her being a girl and more excepting and I want my son to feel the same how do we go about comforting him when people tell him he’s weird
Prolific scribe

Re: 11 year old son has told me his bisexual

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Hey @Christina7 

Thank you for sharing this! 

It sounds like you are already such an incredible support for both of your children and they are both very lucky to have such a loving and caring mother like yourself. 

It makes me happy to hear that with your support, your daughter has become more confident and has been opening up with her friends. This is a a real testament to the support you provide. 

I can hear that you are also wanting the same for your son, but that it has been more challenging. I can only imagine how tough it must be for you to know that people are treating him this way and it sounds like you are trying very hard to make your son feel more supported and comforted. He is very lucky that he has such a supportive family to help him through this. 

I was wondering whether your son has any other supports through school, a GP, or mental health service or professional that he can talk to about this?

I wanted to share some resources with you which I thought you may find helpful to have a look through. We have a list of articles around things to try for sexuality which include articles on helping your teenager with coming out, coming out at school and more. We also have one about supporting teens with their sexuality which may also be helpful. 

It sounds like your son feels very comfortable talking to you about this which is great to hear. I was wondering if perhaps you have had a conversation with him and asked him how you could best support and comfort him, similar to how you have asked us? Do you think this would be helpful? 

Thank you again for sharing this with us.