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Advice on get better sleep?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Advice on get better sleep?

Active scribe

Advice on get better sleep?

My son began to complain that he wasn't comfortable sleeping on his bed. I know this isn't a new bed, but now I don’t have enough money to buy a new one. What can I do to make him sleep better and it’s not worth my whole fortune?

Star contributor

Re: Advice on get better sleep?

Hi @Linnn 


Hm, tricky question. It depends I guess. How old is his bed? What does he find uncomfortable about it?


Also, just so you're aware, I moved your thread to the "everyday parenting" section, as it is better suited to this aspect of the forums. I hope you don't mind Smiley Happy

Active scribe

Re: Advice on get better sleep?

No, I don't mind, I didn't know where I can ask this question and decided that I chose the right place for this. Sorry.
My son is 11 years old, this is a bed for a teenager, it's not small, but there are bumps due to the fact that children used to often jump on the bed.

Casual scribe

Re: Advice on get better sleep?

There are these foam thingies that you can put underneath the covers to make the mattress feel a little more sturdier, it might help your son sleep better. My parents used to have it over their mattress when we were younger. I forgot what its called but ill add a picture if I find it. Also, are you sure its the bed that's the issue with sleep? You might wanna rule out other issues such as phone use, soda or sugar consumption before bed. If the sleep issue persists even after every possibility is ruled out then you can you should talk to a doctor.

Active scribe

Re: Advice on get better sleep?

Simply exchange yours for his. Alternatively check on gumtree, Facebook market or even the op shops if you don't mind buying used item.