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Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

Super star contributor

Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

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Join in for this week's Ab Fab Friday's!!! 27th April @8pm (AEST)!!


The topic: What is your favourite colour and why? Suggestion thanks to the lovely @Sister!!!

(If you would like to submit your suggestions for our chat night you can do so here!)


(I have an admission to make - AFF was missed this week (20th) because I posted this in the wrong section so nobody was able to see it!!! My apologies!)


I love this topic as colours can be very powerful and have an amazing effect on our mood or state of mind. I'm sure we all have our favourite colour or colours - how does your favourite colour make you feel? Compare that to your least favourite colour and how that makes you feel. Interesting isn't it?!


So come along on the night and let's do a bit of our own colour therapy!


Image result for rainbow watercolours


How do I take part?

Simply come back to this thread at 8pm Friday night and start chatting! Smiley Happy



@jdbza are just some of the parent's I'd like to invite. Everyone is welcome!

Super frequent scribe

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

Blue … in all it’s shades and green because I find they are restful and relaxing. We have used them with certain browns to decorate our home. 

Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

It's time for this week's Ab Fab Friday!


Have we got anyone here tonight?


My daughter's favourite colour is blue as well @jdbza, for the calming effect it has on her too. Earthy colours have that effect on me Smiley Happy

Super frequent scribe

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

One of my girls loves purple as it’s a royal colour and makes her feel special. My other girl is an artist and uses lots of earthy colours as she says they help her feel ‘grounded’ … she has Asperger’s Syndrome and hates the name ASD.

Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

I'm so glad your daughter's favourite colour makes her feel special, that's lovely @jdbza


Earthy colours make me feel calm and grounded too. Does this daughter find art is great therapy for her, or a great outlet for her with Aspergers? I know a few people on the spectrum who gain a lot from their various forms of artisitc expression. And they're so talented!

Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

I do love how colours can have such an impact on us, both positive and negative. It's very interesting.

Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

Is there anyone else online who'd like to share with us your fav colour before we close up for this week?



Super star contributor

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

We'll be back, same time next week, with a new topic.


Everyone is welcome!

Super frequent scribe

Re: Ab Fab Friday's - What is your favourite colour and why? 27th April @8pm (AEST)

Yes, she does find it a brilliant outlet. With support from amazing teaching staff she has done art at school until she finished, did a cert 4 and diploma in Visual arts at TAFE, has spent the last 4 years doing a bachelor of creative arts and is about to apply to start in July a multidisciplinary Honours degree in creative arts and theatre. we all have creative outlets from music to art to working on cars and motorbikes to wood working to embroidery, sewing and knitting. we do do some things as a family, others as individuals and we encourage and support each other in doing them.