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Delaying schooling for child with complex needs

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Delaying schooling for child with complex needs


Delaying schooling for child with complex needs

I am seeking advice regarding schooling.


5yo just started Prep.

Don’t feel he was ready for school. Very complex needs but not intellectually delayed etc so not able to send to “special” school. I wanted him to stay back a year. We decided to bite the bullet and send him. Now regretting that decision and wondering if there is any way we could pull him out of school and have him do an extra year in kindergarten?

I know that sounds weird but one of my main concerns was toileting and self care and so far he’s come home multiple times with soiled clothes because he has just gone in his pants and not told the teacher or asked for help.

At the same time the school are not doing anything to support him either despite us making them aware of his needs long in advance. I’m quite concerned if they’re going to allow him to sit in pee and not talk to him all day how much further are they willing to allow things to go?!

Re: Delaying schooling for child with complex needs

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Hi @cuddly_parrot , 

Firstly, thank you for reaching out for some advice around supporting your 5 year old. I can hear how much work you put into advocating for and protecting him. It can be really tough navigating the education system when your child has complex needs. It sounds like you have previously tried to communicate with the schools around his needs but they have not met them? It would be so concerning for you to have him come home with soiled clothes Smiley Sad 

I wonder if you haven't already looked into this, if it could be helpful to get a medical professional involved to develop a support plan for your child? What are your thoughts on the what the school could do to better support your child? I can hear that you are wanting to have him repeat kindergarten, I wonder if there are other supports you've considered as well?

The QLD government has some information around the kind of support schools offer for inclusive education. Raisingchildren also has a page about developing a plan for supporting students with complex needs, and ACD has a page specifically around supporting children with toileting concerns at school. 

Again, thank you for reaching out and welcome to the online community! I hope you are able to find some more support for your 5 year old