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29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

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29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens


Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

Thanks for chatting @Tessisme! "See" you again soon round the forums I hope!
Super frequent scribe

Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

When I was young we were allowed to bring our pets for show and tell! What were they thinking! My parents were not so keen on the idea (for obvious reasons) but I was so excited to show everyone my guinea pig. I bought in my guinea pig but another dog jumped up on me and I received a fright. I dropped the box I was carrying my prized Guinea Pig in and the dog grabbed it and ran off with it Smiley Sad Not the time to exercise independence...

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Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

Ohhhh! Oh no @AmyJay that sounds like a scene from a movie! How unfortunate...
Super frequent scribe

Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

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I am glad you enjoyed your first chat @Tessisme here is RO fact sheet about Teen Independence. Please share the Parent site and forum with your friends. If you have any topics you would like us to cover on Wednesday Wrap please let us know! Cheers AmyJay

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Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

Let's more onto Question 4 @Maggiemay @Sophie-RO As teenagers want to exercise their independence and go out more, money takes a greater role in their lives. What are some ways you can support their financial independance?

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Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

I found that when my son reached year 9 that he started to slacken off at school.  He attends a boys school and when I raised my concerns they said that was normal.  They often saw a dip in their enthusiam towards school but assured me it would improve again.  My son is now in year 11 and I wouldn't say he is always enthusiatic but his ethics towards his study has started to improve again.  I agree that he does what is needed even though I know he is capable of doing better.  I try not to nag him but do spend time to talk about his goals that he has set and what he needs to do to achieve them.

I suppose like the saying goes, you can't put an old head on young shoulders.  All we can do is support and encourage them and try different ways to keep them motivated to reach their goals.

Super frequent scribe

Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

I think @Tessisme alluded to this before by allowing kids pocket money to budget for their own shopping with friends or movies etc We ask the kids to help us plan holidays and consider finances when planing birthday parties for them.

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Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

Hmm one of the suggestions is to allow them to spend how they want even when they make mistakes. They will definitely learn from it but so hard to watch!

But if you've role modeled good money management and maybe included them in making (appropriate) family financial decisions (like planning holidays) then hopefully theyve learned from you.
Do you guys encourage them to earn their own money?


Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

Great insight maggiemay about teenage boys and their study... I'm sure Tessisme can relate...

Re: 29 Jun: Nurturing independence in teens

Nice one @AmyJay - what do you think is reasonable pocket money these days for say a 14 year old and a 17 year old? And what do they have to do for it?